Tyrone to review stormwater grant


Increasing sedimentation in Castle Lake due to stormwater runoff along with concerns from the Castle Lake Homeowners Association relating to the health of the lake led to Dec. 3 decision by the Tyrone Town council to review a federal grant application the HOA group is seeking and to potentially partner with the association to apply for the grant.

Castle Lake HOA representative Robert Koermer addressed the issues, noting concerns over a sedimentation study perform in May by ARCO Engineering. Koermer said approximately 72 percent of the muddy discharge being deposited in the lake is originating in the area to the east that includes the town-owned Redwine Park and property owned by Operation Mobilization. The ministry’s property contains a stormwater detention pond but the park area does not, Koermer said.

The HOA group met with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division in September and was told that they could apply for a federal grant to address the problems under the Clean Water Act program.

“We’re looking for a win/win proposition for the town and the residents,” Koermer told the council. “We want to make a proactive solution. We need a grant partner and we want to partner with the town.”

Koermer said he had spoken with Operation Mobilization, adding that the organization supported the grant application in concept. Koermer also asked that, if submitted, the grant could contain an education component with public participation provided by such entities as the school system and the Environmental Institute of Georgia.

Koermer asked the town to consider working with the HOA to compile the necessary information for the grant application and review it in time for the next round of grant submissions. He said a large portion of the town’s 40 percent match would likely come from the large number of local volunteers expected assist with the project.
After a brief discussion the council voted to review the grant application paperwork recently submitted by the HOA.