Coffee with a Cop set for June 7


The Fayetteville Police Department will participate in Coffee with a Cop scheduled for Tuesday, June 7, 8-10 a.m. at the Starbucks located at 856 South Glynn St.

“The Fayetteville Police Department considers our involvement in the community a top priority. We share the concerns of our community and make every effort to address them. To that end, we are kicking off this new program which is a national movement that aims to build trust between community members and police officers, one cup of coffee at a time,” according to a spokesperson.

It’s a simple concept: Police officers and community members come together in an informal, neutral space like Starbucks to discuss community issues, build relationships, and drink coffee. In over 80 cities in 24 states, Coffee with a Cop has helped foster community trust and partnership. One of the keys to its success is that it removes the physical barriers that routinely exist between police officers and community members, allowing for the relaxed, one-on-one interactions which are the necessary foundation of partnerships. Informal contact in a friendly atmosphere increases trust between police officers and the members of our community which is critical to public safety and problem solving.

The Fayetteville Police Department plans to hold several Coffee with a Cop functions at different Fayetteville businesses throughout the year.