Line Creek Baptist to host Jubalheirs in concert Friday


Line Creek Baptist Church will host The Jubalheirs in concert Friday, Jan. 30, at 4 and 7 p.m., at the church on Bob Smith Road in Sharpsburg.

Jubalheirs is a female chorus for ministers of music, organists, pianists and others who are involved in the music programs of Baptist Churches. The group sings under the direction of Jon Duncan, the specialist, music and worship ministries, Georgia Baptist Convention. The varied program consists of hymns, spirituals and anthems.

The Jubalheir Handbells perform under the direction of Beth Humber.

The Jubalheir Instrumental Ensemble performs under the direction of Susan Purcell, orchestra director at Briarlake Baptist Church in Decatur.

The concert is offered as part of a series of appearances in Georgia Baptist Churches in 2015. Concerts begin at 4 and 7 p.m. and are free and open to the public.

An opportunity will be given to contribute to the missions projects of the Jubalheirs.

Line Creek Baptist is on Bob Smith Road in Coweta County, just off Lower Fayetteville Road between Dr. Fischer Road and Ga. Highway 154.