Irony and the state of the PTC Council


I read the statement the mayor gave to the City Council on Jan. 19 in The Citizen last night. I had to chuckle a little bit in the irony of the situation. But the more I thought about the current state of the City Council it bothered me.

First the irony: The basic point of what the mayor said is that the City Council had a double standard. The council libeled and slandered the mayor by saying he was not to be indemnified based on the lawsuit filed by H. Logsdon. The council felt Mayor Haddix should be liable for the lawsuit and later reduced his salary to cover the expenses.

Later on, the mayor states: “Bottom line here is if the council members had backed the full and proper handling of this matter at the beginning, the Logsdon lawsuit would have gone away quickly and cheaply …“

The irony to me is that if the mayor would have done the right thing upfront and admitted he made a mistake in his reference to previous Mayor Logsdon and apologized to him there probably would never been a lawsuit. There would never have been a need to have things go away quickly and cheaply.

Let me share one thing I have learned in life: I know it is hard to admit when you do something wrong but it is far better to do that and apologize and move on.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying the actions of the council were correct.

Here is what bothers me the most, as a taxpaying member of Peachtree City it is pretty discouraging to watch the current leadership work in this manner. Everybody is pointing the finger at the other blaming them (that is what children do) for what has happened.

I suggest each of you look in the mirror for your portion of blame because you are all at fault to some extent in my opinion.

I don’t care if one person or another is difficult. True leaders will find a way to work together in extremely difficult times.

I think PTC is in difficult times based on our finances. Can you all be leaders to get it done and somehow work together?

P.S. I am not looking for an article responding back by any council member. I am watching the council actions because their actions speak louder than any words/article.

Michael Chrzanowski

Peachtree City, Ga.