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Retirement and Transition: Part 2

In February I began sharing with you about the recent reality of my pending retirement as the Senior Pastor here at Prince of Peace...

Brother gives great picture of ‘hanging in there’

Have you seen the poster of the frazzled kitty barely hanging onto the branch by the tip of his claws? The caption? “Hang in...

The Vaccination Question

DEAR FATHER PAUL:  There seems to be a lot of controversy and misinformation today about the safety of common vaccines, especially those for children....

Our ‘pot of gold’ just got sweeter

Someone said, “If children are the rainbow of life, then grandchildren are the pot of gold.” We just had our pot of gold sweetened...

Today is Ash Wednesday

Yes, today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It is rather interesting that Ash Wednesday also coincided with my turn here in The...

Blueprint for prayer includes three personal petitions

Martin Lloyd-Jones said, “Man is at his greatest and highest when upon his knees he comes face to face with God.” Jesus knew the...

Retirement and Transition: Part 1

Back in 1976 a professor of mine at the seminary said to me, “Justin, the mystery of life is not so much what happens,...

Praying ‘Our Father’

“40 Days of Prayer” kicked off 2019 at McDonough Road Baptist. In small group studies and in our sermon series, we’re striving to take...

Do people in heaven know what’s happening with us here on...

DEAR FATHER PAUL: I am a sixty-seven year old woman who has a lot of precious relatives and friends who, I know for certain...

Running the Race in 2019

A man weighing over 300 pounds sought his pastor’s counsel. He said, “Man, I have to do something. I can’t lose this weight, I...

Priority Number One in 2019

What is it? Rather, who is it? The answer: Our children and grandchildren. No, it’s not about pampering and spoiling them. It’s not about giving...

A ‘little’ overweight

Some time ago, during a visit to my doctor, he said, “You know, except for one thing, you’re in pretty good shape.” “Yeah, I know”,...

Seven Truths about Temptation

Two Sundays ago was the First Sunday in Lent, and I preached on the story of the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. St. Matthew...

Stop worrying and start praying

Let’s admit it: we are worriers. Therefore, for the past two Sundays, I’ve been preaching on worry and trust. In the Sermon on the...

Ask Father Paul – Does Christianity have three gods?

DEAR FATHER PAUL:  You kindly invite questions from your readers. I enjoyed your good account of the names of God. I wanted to know,...

Does your faith make Jesus marvel?

Usually, when the word “marvel” is used in the New Testament, it describes a person’s reaction to seeing God’s supernatural activity. For example, in...

Ask Father Paul – The name(s) of God

DEAR FATHER PAUL: A friend of mine insists that God has a number of different names and that these are actually all in the...

The Perfect 10 for 2018

Happy New Year, everyone. As you read this we’re just a few days into 2018, and there’s still time to set your goals and...

One Word to Purge in 2018

Edith Lovejoy Pierce said, We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book...

Faith vs. Understanding

DEAR FATHER PAUL: I am a 41 year-old business owner who has had huge success in the past. Now, due to some poor business...

The Good News of Christmas is not fake news

It must be nearing year-end because the “words of the year” have been released. follows each year’s most meaningful events and “look-up” trends....

St. Nicholas to Santa Claus

Let’s go back again to the “Liturgical Calendar.” On it today, December 6, is a designation not very familiar to most of us. Today...

Summit having Christmas dinner and concert on Sat.

The Summit Presbyterian Church at 1373 Ga. Highway  92 S. will have their annual Christmas Dinner and Concert on Saturday Dec. 9 at 7p.m....

Church kids help out many disaster victims

The kids and youth at Fayette Presbyterian Church on Forrest Avenue in Fayetteville held a “Packing Party” as an outreach project. After weeks of...

Christmas is upon us, so make sure you don’t miss it

Several years ago, a young boy heard the circus was coming to town. He’d never seen a circus, so he asked his dad if...

Helping out the less fortunate

Dawn Cramer, Newnan, stands with the first of many blankets, coats, sweat shirts/pants, socks, flannel shirts, hoodies, and shoes being collected for the Atlanta...

New pastor is named

Evergreen Church announces with great joy their new Lead Pastor, Reverend Donald Feuerbach. Reverend Feuerbach comes to Evergreen Church with a wealth of experience,...

Head to Newnan for the ‘Messiah’

On Dec.  17 at 3 p.m., Coweta’s own Masterworks Chorale will join the First United Methodist Church (FUMC) Chancel Choir to present George Frederic...

Ask Father Paul – The origin of Thanksgiving

DEAR FATHER PAUL: My family moved to America and to this area from the Middle East over ten years ago. We love America and...

For all the saints

I’m actually writing this article on Nov. 1. On the “liturgical calendar” of The Church, used mainly by Catholics, Lutherans, and Anglicans, but also...

Evergreen Church holds annual quilt blessing

From left to right:Cris DeGroot, Sue Schultz, Laura Bosma, Susan Klinker, Dorothy Smith, Christine Gardener, Linda Hangen, JoAnn Lutes. Photo/Submitted. This month, Evergreen Church held their...

The Power of God’s word is still at work

For the past several weeks, I’ve been preaching on Jesus’ parable about the sower, the seed, and the soils. The parable is so important...

Religion Briefs 110117

Hertiage Run is Saturday Heritage Christian Church in Fayetteville is excited to announce their first annual Color Run, “Color Me for Camp,” on Nov. 4...

Reformation anniversary

Pastor Justin Kollmeyer of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, prepares for the Celebration Service of the 500th Anniversary of The Protestant Reformation, to be...
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