What color is ‘racism’?


Every American ought to be outraged over the insulting, demeaning and demoralizing comments that cascaded throughout social media, the mainstream media from the so-called tolerant Democrat Party constituency after Senator Tim Scotts’ response to President Biden’s speech. Comments that clearly contradicts the left’s calls for equality, equity, and unity in America.

Tyrone Jones

Hateful ,and I mean very hateful, and disturbing comments referring to Sen. Scott as a “[N word],” “boot licker,” “step ‘n fetch it,” “Uncle Tim” and so on. This hateful display of racism compels me to ask: “Where are the black politicians in the Democrat Party and why are they silent?” Do they agree with the left’s political lynching of black Republicans/conservatives? Are they so entrenched in the ideology of progressiveness and socialism that they are willing to accept and swallow whole racist attacks on other blacks?

I implore our black leaders across America and especially in the U.S. Congress to speak up and denounce such rhetoric. If Sen. Tim Scott is a [N-word] then what does that make them? Biden and Harris, where are you? Faith leaders, where are you? This is shameful and unacceptable!

The black population in America is at-risk despite the fact that blacks make up 13.4% of the U.S. population and are the 2nd largest racial group. The factors that put blacks in America at-risk as follows:

• Black on black crime. Completely overlooked by politicians and the media.

• Illegal drug use and addiction tearing families apart.

• Rioting, looting over police involved shootings that end in destruction of black community businesses.

• Failing schools lacking in rigorous academics and zero vocational skills training.

• Lack of job advancement and entrepreneurial opportunities.

• Need for more positive role-models/mentors.

• Lack of support from elected politic leaders.

• Increasing absenteeism in houses of worship.

• The aborting of black babies, aka “tax-funded murder.”

It is time for every American to stop hating and start appreciating our country’s diversity and greatness. I applaud Tyler Perry for his humanitarian comments after accepting his Academy Award. In short, he said, “Stop hating.” I agree with Mr. Perry and I trust that you agree with him as well.

In closing, Senator Tim Scott is not “Uncle Tim” and to a certain person who enjoy rebutting my commentaries, I am not “Uncle Tyrone”! We are “Americans”! We are endowed with unalienable rights and protections under the U.S. Constitution.

God bless America and let freedom ring!

Tyrone K. Jones, Sr.

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. I’d really be interested to know of the commenters above, which of you has experienced a true RACIST incident? I’m not talking about the stupid microaggressions or getting your feelings hurt or someone not liking you because your an a-hole. Incidents where there was an actual racial component.
    Do any of you think that Mr. Jones has never experienced any of those? I would be willing to bet he has, yet rather than playing victim…he chose to rise above others’ ignorance and get on with his life. Why is his experience and opinion any less valuable than yours?

  2. It wasn’t too long ago that a lot of people were talking about a post-racial America. We had elected a Black president for the first time, and then went ahead and re-elected him four years later, and the country was feeling pretty good about itself.

    While Barack Obama’s presidency was indeed a profound and meaningful mark of true progress, racism, of course, never really went away. The presence of a Black president, or a movie-franchise superhero like Tyler Perry, however welcome and exciting, cannot reverse centuries of racial injustice.

    In fact, racism is built right into every level of our society in ways that might surprise you, Mr. Tyrone K. Jones, Sr.

    Racism of this kind, racism that infects the very structure of our society, is called systemic racism. And at first glance, it may be difficult to detect. Since the election of Donald Trump, hate crimes have been on the rise. White supremacists have been emboldened. Anti-immigrant rhetoric has intensified. We condemn these awful examples of prejudice and bias and hate, but systemic racism is something different. It’s less about violence or burning crosses than it is about everyday decisions made by people who may not even think of themselves as racist. As sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva has said, “The main problem nowadays is not the folks with the hoods, but the folks dressed in suits.”

    Systemic racism persists in our schools, offices, court system, police departments, and elsewhere. Why? Think about it: when white people occupy most positions of decision-making power, people of color have a difficult time getting a fair shake, let alone getting ahead.

    We all have to do a better job of calling out systemic racism, and those that unfortunately are manipulated by it, like Sen. Tim Scott and possibly you, too.

    • Systemic racism doesn’t exist. The mere proposition of systemic racism lacks observable evidence, and instead relies on a staggering series of logical fallacies to attempt to prove an ambiguous effect from a speculative cause with no visible means.

      However, individual racism is alive and well. It is practiced extensively by the woke left in the form of a soft bigotry that says “you don’t really know anything until we tell you what to think”. There’s no better example than your comment in which you lecture one black man about what racism really is, then imply that another black man is simply a puppet of a racist establishment because he doesn’t agree with you.

      Your brand of racism is at an individual level where it is most pernicious and destructive to society at large. And you need to do better. You might start with an apology to Mr Jones.

    • “Systemic racism persists in our schools, offices, court system, police departments, and elsewhere….”

      Prove it. Give me real life examples. You made the claim, now back it up with indisputable proof, facts, and evidence. Keep the BS, just give us the facts.

    • My grandfather is not racist thank you. He loves his country and he fights for what’s right. This just proves how much you don’t know. My uncle, his son, went to college and they had an all black floor and an all white floor. My uncle is mixed. He’s African American and Caucasian. He is my half uncle but he is my blood. The college put him on the floor with every other African American. He then proceeded to have his all of his shoes stolen and his dorm broken into so many times until he literally could not attend that college anymore. There’s your example have a great day.

  3. The ‘Woke’ focus on race, gender and ethnicity just as the Marxists focused on class. Americans in the mid 20th century were wise enough to understand that ‘class’ was an empty concept in the United States. I pray that today’s influencers are wise enough to ignore and abandon the new Marxists attempt to divide us into identity factions.
    We are individuals.
    We have no Owners.
    We have no Masters.

  4. I wish it were as simple as telling people to stop hating. But the worst racists don’t think they’re hating; they honestly think they’re loving. The soft racism of their paternalistic attitudes manifest in words and deeds which are just as pernicious as those of an outright bigot. The left, who have stolen conformity out from under the right as the basis for their political economy, is arguably the worst in this regard. The minute a black person disagrees with them, they try to eliminate them as an outlier using shame, insults, and intimidation in what Justice Clarence Thomas once eloquently called a “high tech lynching”. This phenomena can be observed in the comments to Mr Jones’s prior letter when a variation of the “Uncle Tom” slur was reflexively hurled at him (though retracted with an apology very soon after).

    I would offer the following: stop hating or loving people you don’t even know based on what group you think they’re a member of. Start regarding people as individuals with autonomy who deserve respect by virtue of simply being a human being. Then go from there. We can make this world a better place one human being at a time.