Mayor’s State of Peachtree City address: Great financial shape even with Covid

Mayor Vanessa Fleisch delivers her State of the City address Jan. 21, 2021 at City Council meeting. Photo/Cal Beverly.
Mayor Vanessa Fleisch delivers her State of the City address Jan. 21, 2021 at City Council meeting. Photo/Cal Beverly.

Council OKs rezoning for condos off Petrol Pointe — 

What’s the state of Peachtree City in early 2021? Pretty good, considering, Mayor Vanessa Fleisch said in her annual address before City Council Jan. 21.

“Through many issues, trials and travails, yet we as a city got through very well, all things considered,” Fleisch said last Thursday.

Despite a Covid-blasted economy since the first quarter of the year, “Our finances are the strongest they’ve been in 20 years,” Fleisch said, following the city’s “prudent” budget adjustments made beginning last March as the pandemic began affecting the city and the state.

The council has been “reinvesting in Peachtree City,” Fleisch said, resulting in the city returning to its status as the “place to be on the southside of Atlanta.” She referenced repaving city streets and close attention to maintaining infrastructure like sports venues as examples of reinvestment.

Mayor Vanessa Fleisch talks about the state of the city’s finances. Photo/Cal Beverly.

In what she called her last state of the city address, Fleisch touted the rebound of commercial vacancy rates: 6.7% for retail, 9.6% for office and 2.3% for industrial properties, “which is very good,” she said.

As for residential property values, Fleisch — a real estate agent herself — said that the average sale price of a home in Peachtree City in 2020 was $458,846, while the median price was $400,000. Median means half were above and half were below that mark.

She noted that “this is an election year in Peachtree City,” with two council positions and the office of mayor on the November nonpartisan ballot.

“This is my last time addressing you as term limits prevent me running again,” Fleisch said. She has served on the council and has served two terms as mayor.

Also on the Nov. 5 city ballot will be two council seats: Post 3, now held by Kevin Madden, who is serving in his first 4-year term; and Post 4, now held by two-termer Terry Ernst, who is term-limited from running again.

In other action Jan. 21, the council approved a rezoning to allow 20 high-end condominiums and four live-work condos in the mixed use development at 105 Petrol Point.

The change to the Limited Use Commercial (LUC-32) “replaces 10 single-family lots in the southwest corner [of the 8.8 acre tract] with two condominium buildings, each 3 stories with 10 … units, 2 ground-level live-work units, and underground covered parking,” the council packet said.

<b>Rendering of Laurel Brook condo building. City of Peachtree City.</b>
Rendering of Laurel Brook condo building. City of Peachtree City.


  1. Hi PTC residents, I recently explored the city and read the social media post before putting money down on a home in PTC. Why did I choose PTC? First of all, PTC is the closest thing to a smart city that I’ve seen in Georgia or the other 6 states I lived in including California and Northern VA. Secondly, PTC is focused on Quality of Life for the community, the perfect example are golf carts, speed tables, miles of walking and biking paths, education, smart development, shopping, healthcare, etc. Thirdly, the mayor has won me over already with addressing the future of PTC and how economic development must be addressed in an intelligent manner. As a retired project manager from Boeing and 20 years working in Silicon Valley, here’s a few words of advice for PTC, “one way to predict the future is to create it”. I look forward to enjoying the quality of life offered by PTC as well as contributing in some way to creating a model future city that we all love.