Whitewater High DECA Student Sean Lezaj International Conference Bound


Only the top performers in the state for “Buying and Merchandising” can advance to the DECA International Career Development Conference, and one Whitewater High School student has proven he has what it takes to compete with the best.

Placing in the top 10 in the DECA Georgia Only Testing earned Sean Lezaj a trip to the international competition in Anaheim, California this coming April, but his accolades don’t stop there. He also took third place in the state going up against 146 competitors in the “Buying and Merchandising” event. That places him in the top two percent in Georgia.

The Georgia Only Testing events are conducted online. Students have 90 minutes to complete a 100 multiple choice question test.

Karen Stoll is the DECA advisor and marketing teacher at the school.

DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe. As an integral part of the classroom curriculum, DECA’s industry-validated competitive events are aligned with the National Curriculum Standards. DECA’s competitive events directly contribute to every student being college and career ready when they graduate from high school.