Fayetteville to re-open city offices May 18


A unanimous vote by the Fayetteville City Council at an April 27 called meeting confirmed the re-opening of city offices to the public on May 18.

The re-opening comes after city government offices were closed to the public on March 16.

City Manager Ray Gibson said applicable city employees will continue teleworking where possible, adding that all employees are expected to be back at work within a short period.

Gibson encouraged residents and customers to continue to contact staff via phone, email of social media platforms and to use the online payment systems that are available.

Once open, city offices will follow health safety guidelines by providing signage prompting social distancing and hand sanitizer in all public buildings.

Mayor Ed Johnson said the plan was well-conceived, and provides the flexibility to gradually re-open city government offices.

It was noted in the meeting that Gov. Brian Kemp’s order to shelter in place extends through April 30, with medically-fragile and elderly individuals asked to shelter in place until May 13.

April 21 came with the opening of medical practices, dental practices, orthodontics practices, optometry practices, physical therapists, ambulatory surgical centers, physicians performing elective surgeries, healthcare institutions, medical facilities, and any and all other healthcare-related practices and services that have ceased operations.

Gyms, fitness centers, bowling alleys, body art studios, estheticians, hair designers, massage therapists were cleared to begin in-person minimum basic operations on April 24.

On April 27, theaters, private social clubs, and restaurant dine-in services could re-open subject to social distancing and sanitation mandates.

Bars, nightclubs, amusement parks and live performance venues remain closed by the governor’s order.


  1. I’d like to know why the court houses are staying closed but it’s ok for other places to open. Seems like they government is saying, “Go out and see if you get sick. If not, then we will come out too”.