He’s a commissioner but county wants McCarty’s land, too


Fayette County Commissioner Allen McCarty, who has opposed construction of the second phase of the West Fayetteville Bypass, may turn out to be the very first citizen whom the county takes to court over property acquisition for the project.

McCarty announced this weekend that he has received a notice that the county wants to acquire part of his property directly off Lees Mill Road for a permanent 10-foot wide easement for a construction project that is part of the West Fayetteville Bypass.

McCarty said he has been informed that because he is a county commissioner he will not be able to negotiate personally with the county at all.

Since McCarty is a county commissioner, Georgia law requires the matter go straight to a condemnation proceeding in court, explained County Attorney Scott Bennett.

“And by the way, my attorney is going to fight that in court,” McCarty said. “I’d be backsliding if I didn’t do that to support my constituents.

Bennett said the slice of McCarty’s property is needed to allow the county to level the grade of Lee’s Mill Road as it approaches the intersection of the bypass.

McCarty made the announcement Saturday morning just before the commission convened for its retreat meeting. He said he wanted to make the matter public to make sure it didn’t remain secret.