Religion Briefs 091317


Celebrate A Woman’s Journey Sept. 17
The women of Flipper Chapel A. M. E. Church will celebrate A Woman’s Journey, Sunday, Sept. 17 (Philippians 3: 13-14. ). The Rev. Kimberly Lyons, pastor, will bring the morning message at 11 a.m. At 2:30 p.m., the guest pastor and church family will be the Rev. Wilhelmenia Devone Harvey and the Ridge Grove A.M.E. Church family of Hampton. Flipper Chapel A. M. E. Church is located at 175 Booker Avenue Fayetteville.

Liberty Baptist plans revival
Liberty Baptist Church, 1077 Ga. Highway 314, Fayetteville, will host a revival Sunday, Sept. 17 through Wednesday, Sept. 20, with  Dennis Mitchell as guest preacher. The Sunday service is at 10:45 a.m. with Monday through Wednesday services at 7 p.m. nightly.

Annual Greek Fest is this Saturday
The annual Peachtree City GreekFest is set for Saturday, Sept. 16 from 6 p.m. until ? at the Dixie Wing Air Force Commemorative Hangar. The event will feature favorite Greek delicacies and pastries, adult beverages, live band and silent auction. All proceeds benefit St. Christopher Hellenic (Greek) Orthodox Church Building Fund. For ticket info visit or call Tammy at 404-625-4663.