Robotics team is a winner


The RoboChicks, a local team from Sharpsburg, competed at the Atlanta Seaperch Regional Competition at Chamblee High School and won first Place which qualified the team to compete at the national competition.

The team consists of three members, Madison Kenney (eighth/ninth grade Homeschooled), Leilani Linehan( seventh grader from Brighton Academy) and Courtney Curtis (seventh grader from Brighton Academy). Seaperch is an innovative underwater robotics program that equips students with the resources they need to build an underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV).

Team members build the ROV from a kit comprised of low-cost, easily accessible parts, following a curriculum that teaches basic engineering and science concepts with a marine engineering theme. Throughout the project, students will learn engineering concepts, problem solving, teamwork, and technical applications. The Search National Competition will be held May 19th and 20th at Georgia Tech.

The RoboChicks are also STEM Robotics Girl Scouts of Greater Atlanta Troop 16368 of the Coweta County Service Unit 610. The biggest part of being a RoboChick is sharing STEM and robotics. The girls have earned over 150 service hours and reached over 10,000 people this school year through Outreach events around the Atlanta metro area.

Keeping with that theme, in November of last year, the RoboChicks applied for a Seaperch Grant to receive three underwater Seaeperch robotics kits and one tool kit. In exchange for receiving the grant, the girls promised to mentor two additional teams and help them get to the Regional Competition.

The RoboChicks are Coached by Larry and Bisa Kenney. More information can be found about the RoboChicks at