PTC Council eyes south annexation; planners, staff say no


A proposal to annex 18 acres into Peachtree City’s southern limits to enable a sewer connection for a shopping center will be considered by the City Council Thursday night.
The request from Southern Pines Plantation would have 3.86 acres rezoned for office use with the remaining 14-plus acres donated to the city. The site is located off Ga. Highway 74 south adjacent to the Meade Field recreation complex.
City planning staff is recommending the annexation be denied. The planning commission also has recommended denial.
SPP wants the annexation so its retail-office complex, located just outside the city limits, could hook up to city sewer service.
The shopping center, which would be located at the intersection of Hwy. 74 and Redwine Road, is approved for 176,000 square feet of retail and office uses including five outparcel lots directly off Hwy. 74. That’s roughly the same size as The Avenue in Peachtree City.
The shopping center would be just south of the Wilshire Pavilion shopping center on Hwy. 74 south at Holly Grove Road.
The property was rezoned commercial from agricultural-residential by the Fayette County Commission in 2000, an action that was opposed by Peachtree City at the time. No development has occurred on the site since then.
The 3.83-acre site proposed for annexation is just a portion of the total development planned, the rest of which would remain in unincorporated Fayette County.
The Peachtree City Water and Sewer Authority plans the sewer service for the site to be extended across the highway to other parcels currently in the city and a few parcels that could ultimately be annexed into the city.
Without providing sewer service to SPP, WASA would have to use several pump stations to provide sewer service to those developments along Hwy. 74 that are already in the city limits.
Some 50 acres at the rear of the property will be donated to the county to protect the existing Brechin Park subdivision, county officials have said.