Two openings on Planning Commission


The Fayette County Planning Commission is a body comprised of five members who are appointed to three-year terms. The Planning Commission hears and makes recommendations concerning amendments to the zoning ordinance, including the rezoning of property and the comprehensive plan. The Planning Commission also approves preliminary plats, final plats, and minor subdivision plats, and hears variances on subdivision regulations, floodplain regulations, and watershed protection regulations.

Each member of the Fayette County Planning Commission must be a resident of Fayette County. No member of the Planning Commission may hold any other public office, except that one (1) member may also be a member of the Fayette County Zoning Board of Appeals.

The Planning Commission meets twice monthly, at 7 p.m., at the Fayette County Administrative Complex, 140 Stonewall Avenue West in Fayetteville. Commissioner members are compensated $75 per meeting but no more than $150 per month.

The Fayette County Board of Commissioners would like to notify interested Fayette County citizens that two positions on the Fayette County Planning Commission will be available for appointment with terms beginning Jan. 1, 2016 and expiring Dec. 31, 2019.

The Fayette County Board of Commissioners will accept applications with resumes for these available positions. Applications can be obtained by contacting Floyd Jones at 770-305-5102 or at All applications must be returned to Mr. Jones at 140 Stonewall Avenue West, Suite 100, Fayetteville by 5 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10.