SAT scores on the rise


The Coweta County School System’s average score on the SAT rose to 1,497 in 2016, placing the system 13 points above the national average and 38 points above the state average on the college entrance exam.

Composite scores for Northgate High were 1,531, with East Coweta High scoring 1,495 and Newnan High scoring 1,456.

As the average SAT score rose among Coweta School System test-takers in 2016, national SAT averages decreased by 6 points, to 1,484. Georgia’s average SAT score rose 9 points to 1,459 during the year, said school system spokesman Dean Jackson, adding that 2016 was the second year that Coweta County School System student’s SAT averages were higher than the national average on the exam.

Jackson said Coweta placed 20th on its average SAT score, out of 163 Georgia school districts reported in 2016.  

“That places the school system in the top 12 percent of school systems state-wide. SAT averages for school systems or schools with 15 or fewer test-takers were not reported by the Georgia Department of Education,” said Jackson. 

Individually, East Coweta, Newnan and Northgate High Schools also ranked well, Jackson explained.  

“Out of 384 high schools reported, East Coweta High ranked 74th (top 19 percent of Georgia high schools), Newnan High ranked 112th (top 29 percent) and Northgate High ranked 51st (top 13 percent).

Northgate High School Principal Bill Harrison said that schools’ emphasis on providing challenging and advanced-level opportunities to students contributes to strong SAT performance.

“At Northgate, we are dedicated to providing opportunities for students to achieve at high levels through multiple programs,” including advanced placement courses, dual-enrollment, and other advanced-level classes, said Harrison. “I think we are now beginning to see the results of our county’s commitment to these college and career ready initiatives.”