Plant sale set for April 9


New Coweta County homeowners can discover what local gardeners have known for years: the Coweta County Master Gardener Extension Volunteers’ (MGEVs) Spring Plant Sale Saturday, April 9, is a great place to buy plants that will make their yards look great.

“Everyone wants their yards to look beautiful in the spring, and our flowering plants will bring lots of color to your garden,” said Spring Plant Sale Assistant Chair Leigh Anne Harvey, a Master Gardener Extension Volunteer since 2014. “And we will have plenty of tomatoes, peppers and herbs for people who like to plant vegetables.”

The sale takes place from 8:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. at the Coweta County Fairgrounds Agriculture Building, 275 Pine Road in Newnan. All plants for sale have been propagated or grown by MGEVs.  Preparations for the sale provide MGEVs with hands-on experience in plant care that they pass on to the community.

“What’s become more popular each year are our tomatoes, peppers and herbs,” said Chairman Dave Granroos, a MGEV since 2008 and a plant sale veteran. “We feature plants that are just right for Georgia’s planting zones.”

Feel free to bring your own boxes to carry your green treasures home. A limited number of boxes will be available at the sale, and MGEVs will be on hand to answer questions about planting.

The MGEV spring and fall plant sales support UGA Extension – Coweta County programs through community education, raising funds for scholarships and supporting 4-H.