Fludd not running this year


State Rep. Virgil Fludd (D-Tyrone) of District 64 announced last week that he will leave office when his term expires at the end of 2016.

“After much prayer and thought, I have decided not to seek re-election to the House of Representatives. The decision was not easy, but I am comforted in knowing that is the best one for me and my family. I appreciate the opportunity to have served as the Democratic Caucus Chairman for the past four years and am humbled by the confidence the members showed in me,” said Fludd.

“I am honored to have served the wonderful constituents in District 64 and know that I will miss them. The privilege to represent this district for 14 years is an experience that will be remembered fondly.”

First elected in 2002, Fludd represents parts of Fayette and Fulton counties in south metro Atlanta. He serves on the Banks & Banking, Ethics, Regulated Industries, Small Business Development, Ways & Means committees. He is currently the Chairman of the Georgia House Democratic Caucus and was previously Vice-Chair of the NCSL Revenue and Budget Committee and Co-Chair of the Georgia Working Families Caucus.