Economic findings unveiled


Last August the city of Fayetteville began working with the firm of Garner Economics to create an economic development strategy specific to the city and to analyze the current economic state of the city. The final outcome will be to provide a roadmap for Fayetteville to create economic opportunities for its citizens, but the initial findings have been condensed into a Competitive Realities Report (CRR) and are now available for review.

“Specifically, the focus of the overall study is for the city to understand the infrastructure improvements, marketing, and potential organizational changes it must make to ensure that the city strengthens its competitive position in the region, in order to attract and retain the types of businesses that will create job growth and other opportunities,” according to a statement released by City Hall.

The CRR is the first of two reports, and is a compilation of local data and analysis, along with some subjective opinions from the perspective of a site location consultant.  It also includes the Community Engagement Summary of local focus group and survey responses. The CRR offers no recommendations.  Those will come next month in the final strategy report which will identify specific business target recommendations, along with conclusions and recommendations for how the City can enhance its global competitiveness and quality of place; making Fayetteville a more desirable business location.  

The CRR is available for viewing at City Hall and at