New playground now open


Burch Elementary School students are excited to finally be able to use their new playground equipment.

While anxiously waiting for all of the pieces to be assembled there was a “SCHOOL PRIDE” competition where classes were judged on their manners, cleanliness, and respect shown each day in the Burch Bear Cafe. The school’s custodians were a big part of judging the classes at lunch each day in the cafeteria. The “SCHOOL PRIDE” contest encouraged lunchroom etiquette with the incentive being a “First Day of Play” awarded to the winning class getting a day all to themselves trying out the new playground.

The winning class (Ms. Waugh’s first-graders) displayed additional respect and gratefulness by inviting the head custodian, Mr. Elder, to join them on their adventure for the grand opening of the new and improved Burch playground.