School system named Partner in Prevention


The Fayette County Public School System has become the first school system of its size in metro Atlanta to receive the Darkness to Light “Partner in Prevention” distinction for the training of staff in the Stewards of Children program for child sexual abuse prevention.

The “Partner in Prevention” designation is given to organizations that have provided Stewards of Children training to more than 90 percent of their employees or volunteers. It was created as a national standard to help parents and caregivers recognize organizations that take child protection seriously.

The school system partnered with Fayette FACTOR, and executive director Becky Smith, to implement the program to over 3,000 employees, including new hires, in little over a year. The original completion date was projected for January 2016.

“Our children’s safety and security are our number one priority, and with the Darkness to Light training our system has demonstrated its dedication to always putting our students first,” says Dr. Joseph Barrow, superintendent for Fayette County Public Schools.

Darkness to Light is an international organization that leads the movement to end child sexual abuse by educating and empowering adults in education, youth serving organizations, and communities to protect children. Darkness to Light has affiliates in all 50 states and 16 international locations.