Larysa Pushkar of Peachtree City


Larysa Pushkar of Peachtree City, Ga. was born November 29, 1971 and passed away on August 15th of this year.

She was preceded in death by her mother Eva Pushkar.

Larysa was a proud graduate of the University of Georgia with a degree in early childhood education. While she enjoyed teaching, her passion was serving and helping others through service in her local church. She was extraordinarily sacrificial in these efforts and through her example she inspired others and impacted many lives.

She was a former member of Peachtree City United Methodist Church where she served in many capacities including service as a Stephen Minister. She was an active member of the Cokes Chapel United Methodist Church in Sharpsburg, Ga. There she sang in the choir, taught Sunday School, coordinated the nursing home ministry and served as the church’s Care Team Leader.

Larysa battled lupus for most of her life and was a strong advocate for lupus research and care.

Larysa is survived by all those who knew and loved her.

A memorial service in celebration of her life will be held August 23, 2014 at Cokes Chapel United Methodist Church, 4096 Lower Fayetteville Road Sharpsburg, Ga. at 2 p.m. in the afternoon.

Carl J. Mowell & Son Funeral Home, Fayetteville –