Juvenile Justice Forum at Sams Auditorium, Apr. 27


Prominent Georgia attorney and author J. Tom Morgan will present information that every parent and teen should know. He will be joined by a panel of local experts from the school system and law enforcement to answer questions from a panel of students and parents about Georgia law and school rules pertaining to teenagers. This free, and open to the public, Juvenile Justice Forum will take place Tuesday, Apr. 27 at 7 p.m. at Sams Auditorium in Fayetteville. It is being hosted by Fayette County High School and moderated by Social Studies Chair Tim Miller. Teenagers and parents of teenagers are strongly encouraged to attend.

Morgan, a native of Albany Ga., served as the District Attorney for Dekalb County for 12 years and Assistant DA for nine. With experience as both a prosecutor and defense attorney, Morgan is committed to educating young people and helping them avoid becoming victims or perpetrators of crimes. He is author of “Ignorance is No Defense, A Teenager’s Guide to Georgia Law,” now in its second edition, which explains over 100 laws in Georgia that impact teenagers in easy-to-understand language. In popular demand as a speaker at schools, churches, and community and civic groups, Morgan has spoken to tens of thousands of teenagers and adults about Georgia laws.

Some basic things teenagers and parents should know…
• If you send certain types of text messages and photos via your phone or computer you could be committing a crime

• You can be arrested if you attend a party where other people are drinking, even if you have not been drinking

• Giving a friend a prescription drug is a crime and possessing a prescription drug that does not belong to you is also a crime

• Possessing false ID in Georgia can be either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the type and use of the document

• A student can be arrested at school by a school resource officer if it appears a crime has been committed.

• Sharing a marijuana joint with a friend on school property is a felony even if the school is not in session or vacant and unoccupied, but still owned by the school system. The punishment could be up to 20 years in prison.

• A crime occurs when a person intentionally smells or inhales fumes from model glue

The Juvenile Justice will include some of the following topics such as internet abuse and the law; bullying and cyber-bullying; terroristic threats and regular threats; texting and sexting; driving rules for teens and curfew; romeo and juliet law; inappropriate physical contact; gang behavior; social networks (do’s and don’ts); fighting on and off school property; prescription & illicit drugs; off campus behavior; sexual harassment; and what students can be arrested for on school premises?

The book “Ignorance is No Defense” will be available at the Juvenile Justice Forum, a must read for parents and teenagers. There will also be an opportunity for questions and answers. Some of the local high schools and middle schools will be giving students extra credit for attending this event. Students should check with their school administration.

The Juvenile Justice Forum is being sponsored by the following groups: The Fayette County NAACP’s Education Committee and Youth Council; Fayette County High School, the Fayette County School System; the Association of Village PRIDE, Inc., and local law enforcement agencies.