Global warming zealots’ first problem: I like it warm


I would like to disagree with Mr. Paul Lentz on several things on global warming. The reason they changed it to climate change is when the left starts getting pushed back from whatever they are pushing, then they change the name to camouflage their agenda.

I noticed Mr. Lentz used the words “arctic vortex” which is an old term in weather circles, and it was used to scare the people . It probably started from the Weather Channel; they like to scare people. I would like to say up front I like warm weather.

The earth is millions of years old. The climate has been changing for millions of years. The CO2 levels have been changing for millions of years back before we had a gas motor or SUV.

I can’t believe scientists are going to make their decision on the last 300 years. The trees and grass get greener under high CO2. My garden grows better under high CO2. All the forest fires out west create more pollution than the automobiles in Los Angeles. One volcano eruption can put more pollution in the air than all the automobiles in the United States.

There is not enough land in the U.S. to replace our electric supply with windmills and it would be massive destruction to our wildlife. To replace our power grid with solar, every house would have to have panels and you would have dead birds everywhere from diving into them. You would still have to have nuclear or gas and conventional power generation because wind doesn’t blow all the time and sun doesn’t shine all the time.

We haven’t forgotten the ozone hole the left had us in a panic about, and we spent billions of dollars fixing it, and the ozone hole is still up there getting bigger and smaller all the time, and we are saddled with a whole new fear industry that cost us billions of dollars with our Freon.

The ice sheets in the Arctic and Antarctic are at record thickness, 10 or 11 feet thick, so thick icebreakers can’t get through to save all the global warming scientists. The temperature in Antarctic was at a record 135 below zero. The weather is no more extreme than it was when I was a kid. We just didn’t have a Weather Channel blaring it out every time a tornado set down anywhere in the USA and the rest of the world too. When I was a kid, they were saying we were going into an ice age.

Are the sea levels really rising or is the land mass sinking? The mountains are all going to collapse eventually anyway (Ezekiel 38:20). That is fact, unless you want to doubt the word of God.

Mr. Lentz said we should not denigrate, but that is exactly what he did to Walter Williams and anyone who disagreed with him by calling us flat earthers. I agree with Walter that it is the height of arrogance for man to think he can regulate the climate.

Mr. Lentz made a big deal of Mr. Williams using a fancy word called parametric. I would like to say that in the process of ridiculing Mr. Williams’ use of the word, he completely obscured three quarters of what his letter was about with all the fancy language.

Can you imagine if Russia decides to warm up Siberia or if middle America wants some snow? Who else would suffer from somebody regulating their climate? To create a volcano eruption would be chump change in God’s book. God does that all the time to regulate the earth’s temperature.

We have thousands of scientists against man-made global warming, and I prefer to listen to them. The man-made global warming crowd has all the news media and the Weather Channel and movie stars being a megaphone for them.

Europe has had their economy crippled by the global warming crowd. Spain has a 25 percent unemployment rate because of it. We are shipping firewood out of the port of Savannah to Germany. Europeans can’t afford their utility bills.

We are going to probably have brownouts after they shut all the coal generators down in a few years. There is no doubt electric rates will skyrocket, and we just keep getting shoved around by the man-made global warming crowd.

I do not fear global warming. I fear what the government will do to take advantage of this panic they are causing. God regulates the temperature of the earth so it goes up a degree or two every 50 or 100 years and comes back down every 50 or 100 years. I will put that up against any home thermostat. After all he is regulating the entire earth.

W. H. Pool
Fayetteville, Ga.