Coston, Matthews will face off for Tyrone Council seat


Voters in Tyrone will see only one contested race in the November election. The race for the Post 3 seat on the Tyrone Town Council will have incumbent Ken Matthews facing off against challenger Pota Coston.

The qualifying period for the Post 3 and 4 seats of the Tyrone Town Council ended Friday afternoon with Matthews and Coston qualifying for the Post 3 seat held by Matthews.

Matthews is ending his first term on the Town Council. A disabled veteran raised in the Tyrone area, Matthews has served in a number of areas such as the Tyrone Planning Commission, past president of the Rotary Club of Fayette Daybreak, the Tyrone Founders’ Day committee and he works as a part-time Realtor.

“I envision seeing Tyrone progress in the future while maintaining the charm and beauty of a small town,” Matthews said.

Below, Post 3 incumbent Councilman Ken Matthews.

Coston is a consultant and law enforcement retiree. Coston in 2011 received 41 percent of the vote in an unsuccessful run for the Post 2 seat. She provides services to the non-profit youth development organization AVPRIDE, is a member of the Fayette County Ethics Board, the Tyrone Founders’ Day committee and serves with the Virgil Fludd Scholarship Foundation.

“Tyrone is special, has a rich history and we can’t lose that,” Coston said.

Councilwoman Gloria Furr was the only person to qualify for the Post 4 seat.  

The deadline for registration for the November election is Oct. 7.