GOP does poor job of convincing voters


As the newly elected chairman of the Fayette County Republican Party, I have been asked what challenges face the party and what is my vision for overcoming them.

There is no doubt that the conservative values of the Republican Party are under siege, not only on a national level, but also here in Fayette County.

It is easy to blame the liberal media or those Democratic leaders who misstate or misrepresent Republican positions.

And while that might be part of the problem, the lion’s share of the blame rests on those of us under the Republican banner.

We have done an extremely poor job of educating Independents and Democrats as to what our principles really are.

We must do a better job of explaining why all Americans benefit when there is smaller government, fiscal responsibility, free markets, greater individual freedoms, lower taxes, and a strong national defense.

We must carry the message to those seeking real hope and change that they won’t find it in greater dependence on the government.

We must explain what is meant by American Exceptionalism. We must help them understand that this is still the greatest country in the world, and the land of opportunity. We must make clear that any man, woman, boy or girl can achieve whatever they can dream if he or she is willing to work hard and use their God-given talents.

We need to encourage the best and the brightest from within our ranks to run for elected office. We cannot be satisfied with simply electing someone because they have an “R” behind their name on the ballot. We need men and women who share our conservative values and who have a vision to take our county upward and onward.

There are many things about Fayette County that I love, but we can do better. The fact that we live in the bubble doesn’t mean that we can’t think outside the box. Our leaders must be focused not merely on today and tomorrow, but the legacy to be left to our children and grandchildren.

Fortunately, I am not alone in embracing this vision. A new executive committee was also elected with me, and these dedicated men and women are committed to preserving, protecting and promoting our principles.

This diverse group doesn’t have much in common except for an uncommon faith in our conservative values. I do not question that they will make a difference and succeed. The only question I have is, will you join us?

Scott Fabricius

Chairman, Fayette County Republican Party

Fayetteville, Ga.