It’s about confidence and trust; vote for Huddleston & Stopford


A recent “Letter to the Editor” admonished Fayette County citizens to “know who you are voting for.”

We do. We have known some of the people who are running for County Commission for years and have gotten to know others more recently. We also know the issues and challenges that confront a county commissioner.

That’s because we’ve served a combined 16 years on the Fayette County Commission. We still live in Fayette and our focus is still on Fayette. We’re concerned about Fayette’s future and about preserving the quality of life that brought us all here.

Based on this, we have agreed that we should support Sheila Huddleston and Susan Stopford for County Commission. We trust them.

We are confident that these individuals want to represent the citizens of Fayette County, and not themselves. We are confident that these individuals will carefully consider issues by using the understanding of Fayette’s values that they share with all of us.

We are confident that they will not take part in cliques or factions. Fayette County citizens have had enough of that.

We are grateful that these independent individuals have stepped forward. We ask you to join us in voting for them.

Rick Price (Fayette County Commission 1988-1996; State Senator 1996-2000)

Peter Pfeifer (Fayette County Commission 2000-2008)