Fayetteville resident Williams earns Eagle Scout ranking


Shawn Williams, age 15, of Fayetteville, has earned the highest rank advancement the Boy Scouts of America offers to Scouts, the Eagle Scout Award.
Shawn was recognized in a ceremony on Sunday, March 11 at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, Fayetteville.

A member of Prince of Peace Lutheran church sponsored Troop 282, Williams is one of approximately four percent of all Scouts who attain the Eagle rank, according to Scoutmaster David Fuerstenau.

Each candidate must earn at least 21 merit badges and successfully complete a community service project to earn his Eagle. Shawn chose to construct a path and archway leading to Prince of Peace’s outdoor chapel.

He has served as Troop guide, quartermaster, instructor and Chaplain’s aide in his Troop. He has been a member of Troop 282 for five years. He joins many other outstanding citizens who have become Eagle Scouts, among them former President Gerald Ford, astronaut Neil Armstrong, and actor Mike Rowe.
Shawn is a member of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church, where he serves on the Youth Council and is member of the varsity soccer team at Fayette County High School, where he is a sophomore.

He is the son of John and Shirley Williams of Fayetteville.