Animal advocates visit the Fayette County commissioners


It was another disappointing Fayette County Commissioners meeting September 12, 2024. It was very evident the commissioners no longer really listen to the animal advocates.

The entire time we were speaking, Mr. Gibbons never looked up once. He was keeping himself busy writing and working on his computer. Well, that’s not completely correct. Several times he and Mr. Hearn were having a side conversation while we were speaking. I was always taught that was very rude behavior.

Our county attorney must have had a rough day because he took this opportunity to take a power nap. Since Mr. Rapson was not present to keep him awake, I guess he seized the moment.

Our tax dollars are paying the salaries for this dismissive behavior. Please take time to research the candidates who are running against the current commissioners.

In District 1, Vickie Owens-Butler is running against Eric Maxwell. In District 2, Bobby Jones is running against Lee Hearn. In District 5, Daryll Hicks is running against Charles Oddo. Accountable government starts at the local level.

Below is the speech I gave during the public comments portion of the commissioners meeting on September 12. Please take a moment to read. Thank you.

Not going to hound you about the kennels as we have begged and advocated for them and it isn’t going to happen. It is my belief that you are stalling and biding your time until after Nov. 5. Once the elections are over, you figure you can just dismiss us.

We have been told that the kennels will be built in conjunction with the barn. I hope and pray that this time Mr. Rapson will seek out animal experts and listen to Tracy when it comes to the number of kennels needed as well as using kennels that exceed best practices. It would be a shame to waste yet more of our tax dollars because your ego won’t allow you to ask and utilize expert help.

So, how was your Labor Day holiday gentlemen? Was it relaxing and stress free? Let me tell you how most of the animal advocates spent their Labor Day. We were informed that there was a euthanasia list. We spent our holiday worrying and stressing about getting dogs out of the shelter so no healthy dog had to die because of space.

We immediately started networking and advertising dogs. Our phones were buzzing like crazy with back and forth chatter about this rescue and that dog and possible adopters.

As we saw a dog get out and a kennel freed, another dog was brought in. This is a constant for us, gentlemen, because we know the next euthanasia list can come at any time. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, there is currently a 10-day euthanasia list.

Let me give you some information about what this group of women, who Mr. Hearn doesn’t want telling him what to do, have done in just the last two months with networking.

• Fayette Humane has taken 15 cats and kittens from the shelter. Sonny and Cher, a very bonded Siamese cat pair are being fostered with Gale while they wait for their transport to another rescue who will adopt them together.

• SNARE rescue in New York has taken 8 shelter dogs

• Coco’s Cupboard has taken 4 shelter dogs

• Releashed Atlanta has taken 2 shelter dogs

• Barkville has taken 3 dogs

• Atlanta Lab has taken 2 dogs

• Wags and Wiggles has 4 dogs

• Royal Animal Rescue has taken a dog

The animal advocates’ aggressive marketing is responsible for at least 7 dog adoptions in the last two months. That’s 24 dogs to rescues and at least 7 adopted for a total of at the least 31 dogs. I know I am old school, but I’m thinking y’all might want to buy some thank you cards and stamps and write a thank you to these rescues. Without them, your no kill status would cease to exist.

You think this group of women is out of control now, just wait until the first healthy dog or cat has to put down for lack of space. This group of volunteers, including men, give up countless hours walking dogs and loving on the cats. Terry Martin is taking the lead as volunteers fix up the field behind the shelter to make life easier for the walkers, and to provide a better play area for the dogs.

Did you know that volunteers and advocates also spend a large amount of our own money on the shelter animals? The dogs that go up north to rescue have to be transported. That’s on our dime.

Just recently Toby Black needed some pricey surgery due to his awful living conditions before coming to shelter. A volunteer paid for that, and this isn’t the first time volunteers have paid for medical procedures.

Lady and Ricky were saved from death row and sent to training. Volunteers paid for that.

Posters are now being placed around town to advertise the shelter. A volunteer paid for those. Bobby Jones, a candidate for the district 2 seat (running against Lee Hearn) has been going around town asking businesses to post the posters and Vicky Owens-Butler, a candidate for the district 1 seat (running against Eric Maxwell) gave up her time to transport Harold to a rescue in Cummings to free up space at the shelter.

You see gentlemen, actions speak much louder then words, the animal advocates, the volunteers, and the community are working hard and showing action while we just get words and empty promises from you. What are you really doing?

There are a couple things you can do in the next couple days. You spent good money getting a great wrap put on the animal shelter trailer. We were hoping it could stay at the road on 74 for advertising when not being used. It didn’t even get to stay there 12 hours before PTC said not just no, but hell no. We need you to find places around Fayette County where that trailer can be parked for advertisement.

As I mentioned earlier, a volunteer paid for posters to placed around the county to advertise the shelter. I have some with me and would like to give them to Mr. Rapson to place at various parts of the county complex where there is heavy public traffic like the tag office.

Lastly, a volunteer workday is planned for this Saturday to work on the field. Y’all are cordially invited to come help out.

Thank you, gentlemen.

Laura Line

Fayette County Citizen


  1. I’m betting not a one of them wrote a thank you to the rescues saving the dogs and cats from euthanasia! I know none accepted your personal invitation to help on the volunteer workday at the shelter!! I guess a certain commissioner had SEC tickets; not sure where the others were.