Council candidates set in Peachtree City and Tyrone


Both Peachtree City Council posts up for election this fall will be contested: 3 candidates for Post 1 and 2 for Post 2.

Running for the Post 1 seat now held by term-limited Phil Prebor are former council member Eric Imker and two political newcomers: Laura Plauché Johnson and Tamara Allen Moore.

Competing for the Post 2 slot now held by term-limited Mike King are Suzanne Brown and Vic Painter.

Imker is retired, but has had a couple of unsuccessful local political races during the past decade.

Johnson lists her occupation as substitute teacher.

Allen lists her occupation as retired.

Brown — a regular speaker during public comment time at the Peachtree City Council meetings and other local government meetings — also lists her occupation as retired.

Painter listed his occupation as commercial banking manager.

Election will be Nov. 7.

In Tyrone, there are three posts up for election in November, but only one — Post 1 — will have a contested race.

Incumbent Mayor Eric Dial has no challenger for the next 4-year term.

Post 1 — now held by Linda Howard — will have two new candidates on the ballot: Jessica Whelan and Wil James.

Dia Hunter is running unopposed for Post 2, the seat now held by Melissa Hill.



  1. Having lived here almost 20 years, I have never known Mr. Imker to back any construction or real estate growth that did not stay within the village concept. I like that he treats our tax dollars as if it was his own money and is careful about how he spends it. In fact, when he ran for mayor two years ago, he pledged to donate his salary back to the city, if elected. I think he will complement our remaining council members in working to protect our village concept.

  2. I know Ms. Brown can bloviate quite often and ramble on and on….but Painter being a commercial lender, in my opinion, makes me want to ask more questions. What kind of lending? Who are his major accounts or repeat customers? A commercial lender position, in my opinion, sounds like someone who is going to default on the side of more growth, more development, and be very pro-developer. I wonder if he was hand-picked or encouraged to run by builders / developers, in order to oppose Ms. Brown??

    Imker to me seems like Haddix Lite…..very quick to pat themselves on their backs and hand out blame quickly. That’s concerning to me.