Eastside annexation study moves forward, Flat Creek boardwalk repair gets OK


Despite some misgivings by Councilman Clint Holland, the Peachtree City Council voted 3-to-1 Aug. 3 to move to the study stage of the city’s two-step annexation process for 52 acres on the city’s east side.

Developer Mike Hyde’s plan calls for 21 “large, upscale homes” on the east side of Camp Creek and “two large Estate Residential lots” on the west side of Camp Creek. One part will open onto Stagecoach Road and the other onto Spear Road, the application said.

Now city staff will examine the details of the plan and make a recommendation to the council within 60 days. The request then will get a yes-or-no vote from the council.

Voting to study the annexation proposal were Mayor Kim Learnard, and members Phil Prebor and Frank Destadio. Councilman Mike King was absent.

Good news for supporters of the Flat Creek Nature Trail boardwalk that was damaged in storms earlier this year and remains closed to the public.

Spurred by a public survey in which 75% of the survey respondents favored spending up to $200,000 to bring the boardwalk back to its pre-storm condition, the council voted to repair the boardwalk but leave most of the downed trees where they lay in the swampy area surrounding the boardwalk.

The council also approved the proposed balanced Fiscal Year 2024 budget that calls for spending $51.46 million beginning in October. Of that amount, nearly $44 million comes from city tax collections.

The city will be holding some public hearings to set the expected millage rate of 6.043 mills, same as last year. Because of higher assessed property values, that will result in higher property tax bills for city property owners — overall about an 11% increase.

The council also agreed to spend $216,000 to refurbish the city library’s elevator.

At an earlier Tuesday workshop, the council put the finishing touches on a proposed first-time regulation of short-term (under 30 days) rentals like AirBnB in residential areas. It will come up for a vote at a later meeting.

The council also heard from Niki Vanderslice, CEO of the Fayette County Development Authority. The FCDA is seeking agreement among local governments about offering economic development incentives, including property tax abatement for new industry.

No decisions were made by council on that issue.

And the city is closer to finalizing rules for official naming of city-owned property and structures.


  1. As I filled out the on-line survey, I think the $200k would have been better spent to add a policeman and more code enforcement.
    We are under assault from the ATL counties around us…. just read about the crime and traffic stops in PTC…it’s all from someplace else.