Mowell Funeral Home and Cremation Service partners with Shark Tank-featured company


Mowell helps Parting Stone pioneer a new form of human remains — 

Mowell Funeral Home and Cremation Service has partnered with Parting Stone, a Santa Fe, New Mexico-based start-up that was featured on the ABC show “Shark Tank” on April 7th, 2023.

Parting Stone invented a comfortable alternative to cremated remains for families choosing cremation. Instead of receiving ashes following cremation, local families have the option of receiving 100% of the remains in a form that resembles a collection of 60-80 stones that can be touched, held, and shared. The appearance of each person’s solidified remains varies naturally from person to person with the process often resulting in unique textures or colors like blue, green, or even speckles.

“Mowell Funeral Home and Cremation Service partnered with us early on because they recognized the value this would bring to grieving families in the community. They helped us prove that people wanted an alternative to ash,” says Parting Stone founder Justin Crowe. “It’s a profound healing opportunity for everyone in the family to hold their loved one again, but the look and feel of cremated remains makes that experience deeply uncomfortable. We developed a new form of solidified remains that resemble stones to help families feel a connection with their departed loved ones.”

Following the death of his grandfather, Justin Crowe realized that living with conventional cremated remains can feel uncomfortable, so in many households, they often end up hidden in a closet for decades.

Parting Stone worked with material scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory to develop solidified remains to help create a more positive experience for grieving families with a form of remains that can be touched and held.

Parting Stone was able to successfully secure a deal with Lori Greiner and Kevin O’Leary, who agreed to invest $400,000 cash for 10% equity, a $20 consumer royalty and a $12.50 business-to-business royalty.

Watch the episode on, Hulu, or YouTube TV.

Parting Stone creates positive experiences for families choosing cremation by returning remains in a form that resembles a collection of stones that can be comfortably touched, held and shared. Solidified remains are a 100% alternative to ashes. Learn more at