Fellowship of Love Church Celebrates Consecration Worship Experience in Fayetteville


Fellowship of Love Church Celebrates Consecration Worship Experience in Fayetteville

The Fellowship of Love Church invites the local community to its Consecration Worship Experience on Saturday, February 25, 2023, 10 a.m., at its recently purchased facility located at 349 Kenwood Road, Fayetteville, Georgia 30214.

Fifteen years ago, Pastor BaSean A. Jackson and a small group of believers founded the Fellowship of Love Church with a vision to revolutionize the idea and the impact of church in the Fayetteville community. For Pastor Jackson this vision meant “creating a church that would focus more on the people rather than the pastor, love rather than laws, relationships rather than religion, and giving rather than receiving.”  At its inception, “our church made a commitment to give 10 percent of its income to empowering the community, a commitment that continues to this day”, says Pastor Jackson.

Over the past fifteen years, the Fellowship of Love Church has contributed over $500,000 to numerous community schools and nonprofit organizations, including, but not limited to, the Fayette Samaritans, Fayette Senior Services, Fayette Care Clinic, Promise Place, Association of Village Pride, A Better Way Ministries, and North Fayette Elementary, Burch Elementary and Flat Rock Middle Schools.  The church has indeed been blessed by its commitment to live in love and empower its community.

The public is invited to attend the Consecration Worship Experience.
