Youth collect cans for life at CTK


Father Jason Epps, Dean and Pastor of Administration at Sharpsburg’s Cathedral of Christ the King, prepares to take the first bag of aluminum cans to the local recycling center and collect the cash for the cans.

 Three Rings, the youth ministry at Christ the King, has embarked on a year-long crusade to collect aluminum cans (soft drink, beer, pet food) to raise money for pro-life organizations and ministries. The church itself has had a long history spanning two and a half decades of supporting pro-life causes.

 The church contributes to CEC for Life, a national ministry, and supports crisis pregnancy centers in both Newnan and Fayetteville. The effort with the cans will not only support these causes but will aid in the recycling efforts to maintain a clean environment.

  Every bag of cans collected will result in helping the environment by not allowing the bags of cans to be put in a landfill. Christ the King is located on Highway 34 between Thomas Crossroads and Peachtree City.