Peachtree City Council meets Thursday to consider rezoning at Crosstown and Hwy. 74, set city election for 2 posts

Official portrait of the 2023 Peachtree City Council. (L-R) Mike King, Phil Prebor, Mayor Kim Learnard, Clint Holland and Frank Destadio. Photo/Peachtree City website.
Official portrait of the 2023 Peachtree City Council. (L-R) Mike King, Phil Prebor, Mayor Kim Learnard, Clint Holland and Frank Destadio. Photo/Peachtree City website.

The regular meeting of the Peachtree City Council Thursday night will cover routine first-of-year housekeeping items, set dates and rules for a city election later this year for two council posts and consider one big rezoning proposal.

The two council posts are now held by Mike King and Phil Prebor, both term-limited. That means no incumbents for the open seats.

The big rezoning involves several parcels at the intersection of Ga. Highway 74 and Crosstown Road, all of which are now zoned for industrial uses but which have operated for more than a decade with special exceptions for commercial uses. An opinion column about that rezoning is here.



JANUARY 19, 2023

6:30 p.m.

I. Call to Order

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Announcements, Awards, Special Recognition

IV. 2023 State of the City Address

V. Public Comment

VI. Agenda Changes

VII. Minutes

December 15, 2022, Regular Meeting Minutes

December 15, 2022, Executive Session Minutes

VIII. Quarterly Reports

IX. Consent Agenda

1. Resolution # 01192023-CA1 Call for election and setting of qualifying fees

2. Legal Organ – Fayette County News

3. FY-23 Budget Amendment- Lake Peachtree HOA donation for Lake Peachtree fish restock

4. FY-23 Budget amendment – Insurance Reimbursement – Lightning damage

5. Acceptance of the GMC Proposal for Professional Services for the Unified Development


6. Proposal to change GIS Technician position to a second GIS Analyst position

X. Old Agenda Items

11-22-03 Variance – Transitional Yard Buffer – 100 McWilliams Drive (Cailloux)

XI. New Agenda Items

01-23-01 Resolution #01192023-NA1 Kelly Drive Road Abandonment and Disposal (Meeker)

XII. Public Hearings

01-23-02 Variance Request – 319 N. Peachtree Parkway – Front Yard Fence Requirements


01-23-03 Rezoning for 949, 951, 975, 976, 986, 1000, and 1001 Crosstown Drive and 555 – 575 Hwy 74 S from GI and LI Industrial to GC General Commercial (Cailloux)

XIII. Council/Staff Topics

1. Updated Branding Initiatives – The Fred Amphitheater (Laura Valente of Premier Events Live)

XIV. Executive Session

XV. Adjourn