Student from Crossroads Christian in Tyrone Wins Water Essay Contest

Crossroads Christian School student Andrew Cooke stands with his water essay award outside the Georgia State Capitol where he and other essay winners were honored on Thursday, December 15, 2022. Cooke took first place among Fayette County students.

Eighth-grader Andrew Cooke from Crossroads Christian School in Tyrone received an award at the Georgia State Capitol on Thursday, December 15, 2022, for his essay on how to improve water quality and quantity in the metro Atlanta region.  Cooke took first place among students from Fayette County in the annual contest sponsored by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District.

According to the organization more than 600 students in grades 6th – 8th participated in this year’s competition.

Cooke’s teachers who sponsored him in the contest are English teacherMiss Jamie Peavy and science teacher, Mrs. Joanne Wasdin.  His parents are David and Lois Cooke of Fayetteville.

Cooke pocketed $100 in prize money.

Crossroads Christian began entering the contest four years ago.  Since then, a student from Crossroads has won at the county level each year, with two students taking second place at the district level.  The district includes the city of Atlanta, plus 15 counties in the Atlanta metro area.  Crossroads’ mission is to help students love God, love learning, and serve others.

The full news release from the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District announcing this year’s essay winners can be found here: