‘Fomenting violence’ letter actually foments misinformation


In Suzanne Sports’ recent letter to the editor Nov. 21, she casually implies that anyone who criticizes gender ideology is directly responsible for “fomenting violence” against LGBTQ people.

Her example is the tragic shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs, where 5 people lost their lives in a truly senseless act of violence.

Rather than sympathizing first with the victims or looking into the details of the shooting, Ms. Sports did what many in the media have done and blamed people like Herschel Walker who have had the temerity to speak out against gender ideology indoctrination in our schools.

Her strategy is to silence opposition to things like exposing children intentionally to queer theory, pornographic books, and drag queen story hours by equating it to advocating for violence against LGBTQ people.

And it has been effective, as evidenced by the frightening spread of such terrible things in our school systems with little opposition or pushback by parents. Parents have either not been told about it, or have been ignored or silenced as bigots if they raised their concerns.

It is a truly vile and un-Christian technique since it assumes the worst motives of your opponents and falsely blames them for the acts of people who are often mentally ill or sociopathic.

Take the shooter at Club Q. The press and Ms. Sports assumed he was motivated by anti-LGBTQ hatred, yet it appears he himself is part of that community. More importantly, he had previously threatened his mother with violence and had to be subdued by a SWAT team. This is not some firebrand for conservatism, but rather a dangerously violent, troubled young man.

I doubt that we will get an apology from Ms. Sports since the truth of the matter is rarely what folks like her are seeking. They would rather use a tragedy to force society to accept the sexual indoctrination of our children than to acknowledge the truth.

One such example is Ms. Sports’ proud claim to be praying for the souls of 32 people, presumably transgendered people who were murdered in 2022.

Of course, it is tragic whenever someone is murdered, but here again leftist LGBTQ activists use these tragedies to claim that trans people are murdered more frequently than the general population due to the “hate” of people such as Herschel Walker. This too turns out to be a false claim.

Recent data suggests 1.9% of the population identifies as trans, meaning that about 630,000 people out of 330 million Americans are in that category. If 32 of them were murdered, that results in a murder rate of 0.001%, or one-one-thousandth of a precent.

For the population as a whole, the number of murders in 2021 was 22,900, which yields a rate of 0.007%. Due to the nature of mathematics, that means the murder rate for the general population was almost 14 times greater than for trans people, which means trans people are much less likely to be murdered than the average American.

Again, such statistical reality matters little to these activists. They insist on making false claims to blackmail Americans into accepting their agenda, regardless of the damage it will do to the innocence and well-being of children and minors in general.

And this is the reason why I will be voting for Herschel Walker over Raphael Warnock. Walker definitely has some personal issues and is flawed in many ways, but when it comes to voting in the Senate, I can trust that he will always vote to protect innocent life from being harmed, whether in the womb or the classroom.

Ms. Sports brings up Jesus in her letter and claims he is on her side with these issues, but I would ask her to read carefully Matthew 18:6: “whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it is better for him that a heavy millstone be hung around his neck, and that he be drowned in the depths of the sea.” And make no mistake: teaching young children about the sexual behavior of adults in order to legitimize or normalize such behavior is leading them to sin.

Trey Hoffman

Peachtree City, Ga.


  1. Holier than thou Trey supports a deeply flawed. immoral man like Herschel Walker. Can you say hypocrite? We already have one enormous embarrassment representing Georgia in Marjorie Taylor Greene. We don’t need another.

  2. Mr. Hoffman acknowledges that Herschel Walker “has some personal issues and is flawed in many ways.” You think? Mr. Walker has myriad personal issues and is pitifully flawed in virtually every way. The idea that he might be among the choice 100 U.S. senators must have James Madison, the Constitution’s father, spinning in his grave.

    Yet, Hoffman is willing to vote for this obvious train wreck of an individual for such a prominent position because of Walker’s reliable vote on conservative ideological issues. Of course, this is the identical reason cited by many for backing the presidential bid of Donald Trump despite their personal abhorrence to his character and behaviors.

    Besides being irresponsible, it is truly sad. I wonder how long the GOP will limp along presenting what Mitch McConnell describes as individuals of “questionable candidate quality” while ignoring the real threats to democracy when incompetent people hold high office. Character should easily trump ideology, but among the Fox News viewers, apparently it does not.

  3. Dear Trey Hoffman–With all due respect, may I direct you back to last Dec 24th and your thoughts on this Holy season? No doubt moved by the charitable Spirit of Christmastime you conclude, “…forgive me if my words hurt or wound in some way…”.

    And yet you continue to bandy about harsh (and frankly untrue) words.

    In reading the original letter from Sports, I saw nothing objectionable–YOU alone brought up “queer theory, pornagraphic books, and drag queen story hours”, etc.. You wrongly identify this imagined “strategy” as Ms. Sport’s own; calling it “truly vile and un-Christian”!

    Whatever happened to the Trey Hoffman introduced last Christmas? I believed you then–as you can read below in my response back then (Dec. 26 2021). And I still have hope again this year! It’s called Faith. Although you will surely call it “vile and un-Christian!”

    From The Citizen Dec 24 2021 “Christmas and the Meaning of Life” by Trey Hoffman (Response from Suz)

    “May you learn to love, Trey. May you trust it completely. May you write long frequent letters about kindness, and mercy, and diversity, and inclusion.”

    Not just one month, but all through the year.

  4. Trey Hoffman comes in hot about the Sports letter: “Her strategy is to silence opposition to things like exposing children intentionally to queer theory, pornographic books, and drag queen story hours by equating it to advocating for violence against LGBTQ people.”

    I would like him to give some documentation for this.

    • Allowing kids to be aware that queer people exist is not “exposing children to queer theory.” TF is “queer theory”?
    • No one is intentionally exposing children to pornographic books, and certainly nowhere in the Sports letter did she call for kids to be exposed to porn! FFS! Talk about a straw man. I am wondering if Trey is, in fact, himself, a straw man!
    • Sports doesn’t mention it, but she may, in fact, want to silence opposition to Drag Queen Story Hour, and good for her if she does! If you are opposed to drag queen story hour, what are you opposed to really? Letting kids hear a story from a person who doesn’t dress like you want them to. And this is any of your business, how?

    Trey is the second man in The Citizen opinion section to demand an apology from Sports for speaking the truth that publicly demonizing LGBTQiA folks leads to violence. I find it quite telling that they took offense, as if she were speaking about them, specifically. If you feel offended by the idea that your disdain for queer folks leads to violence, maybe you should examine your own heart rather than demanding an apology.

    Suz has ably spoken to the other misinformation and misinterpretation Trey’s letter here provides in response to the Sports letter, so I won’t belabor that part. Just read her note here.

    Trey’s outrageous response to the Sports letter is indicative of why she felt compelled to write it in the first place. As long as the entitled straight, white males of the USA feel it’s OK to denigrate LGBTQiA people based on the way they dress or who they love or don’t love, our LGBTQiA siblings will be an oppressed minority in the USA, and they will be subject to violence. This is what the Sports letter was talking about when the writer implored us to vote for Rev Warnock over Herschel Walker who has already made it clear he has no respect for the queer community.

    Dear friends, as long as we “other” people based on what they wear or who they love, we are setting them up to be slaughtered. How do you think anti-semitism gained such sway in the sad past of Europe, Russia, and even the USA? It was through misinformation about what Jewish people wore and how they lived — then bad actors added to it that they drank the blood of children — that they were coming for YOUR children —

    And these are the exact same tactics bad actors are using today in the public discourse about LGBTQiA folk: they’re frightening people with the idea that even allowing your child to know there are queer people or see a trans person means that in short order your child will be groomed, recruited, abused. And this is nonsense! But if you keep claiming it, just as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion falsely claimed it in regard to Jewish people, pretty soon you have pogroms.

    For the love of God, please, please, don’t perpetuate this evil talk about our LGBTQiA siblings. Why not instead go to a drag show, get to know a queer person, read about (or meet and socialize with) happy families with two moms or two dads, and let LGBTQiA people broaden your horizons instead of contributing to an atmosphere of violence against them?

    All you have to lose are your misconceptions. All you have to gain are new friends.

    • I’m not into the divisive way we try to make “others” or victims by race, gender, age . . . whatever. (which, by the way, you engage in fully with your rage against straight white males.) We need to focus on what we have in common.

      What adults do by free choice in private is their business. But you are terribly off base in your defense of Drag Queen Story Hour and its connection to grooming children to an alternative lifestyle.

      It’s not hate, demonization or inciting violence to want to protect children from cross-dressing men who want to instill adult sexual values that many do not subscribe to. Not long ago, this was considered common sense.

      The fact that you endorse censorship of anyone who doesn’t embrace Drag Queen Story Hour is appalling, and discredits whatever point of view you are stating.

      Why do we rightly condemn someone appearing in blackface, yet we’re supposed to applaud a sexualized caricature of women by men with hideous make-up, falsies and g-strings parading in front of children?
      Drag Queen Story Hour is not done for the children’s benefit. Anything that might be positive for kids in a story hour can be done by men in street clothes – – and by real women.

      According to Wikipedia, Drag Queen Story Hour started just seven years ago in San Francisco to counter the “heteronormative” nature of a traditional story hour. It evolved into a national non-profit with the stated intent to train queens to “talk effectively to children and their parents about gender identity and drag”.

      As one drag queen involved in staging a Drag Queen Story Hour confessed: “This is going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the next generation.”

      Book topics read during Drag Queen Story Hour include Gay Pride Parades, intersex bodies and “a crayon who suffers an identity crisis when he is labeled wrong”. And here I thought a story hour was intended to help children learn to read and enjoy books.

      Not Drag Queen Story Hour.

      Leave the kids alone.

      Stay true.

      • And these are the exact same tactics bad actors are using today in the public discourse about LGBTQiA folk: they’re frightening people with the idea that even allowing your child to know there are queer people or see a trans person means that in short order your child will be groomed, recruited, abused. And this is nonsense! But if you keep claiming it, just as the Protocols of the Elders of Zion falsely claimed it in regard to Jewish people, pretty soon you have pogroms.

        For the love of God, please, please, don’t perpetuate this evil talk about our LGBTQiA siblings. Why not instead go to a drag show, get to know a queer person, read about (or meet and socialize with) happy families with two moms or two dads, and let LGBTQiA people broaden your horizons instead of contributing to an atmosphere of violence against them?

        All you have to lose are your misconceptions. All you have to gain are new friends.

  5. Mr. Hoffman—Did you read the same letter that was printed? Your take on it was hardly recognizable to the one I read (and appreciated).

    To begin with, you accuse Sports of proudly praying for the 32 Transgender souls killed in 2022…I call it a sincere lament. She mentioned it as a commemoration of Trans Remembrance Day; one that is entirely appropriate and understandable.

    Surely you are not introducing “recent data” to insinuate that the small percentage of LGBTQ+ murders does not warrant mourning for them? One is too many.

    And actually Sports did NOT bring up Jesus in her letter, as you state, “and claims he is on her side”. Rather, she asserted that the Christ she serves is on the side of ALL His beloved children (my paraphrasing).

    To me, that is the entire truth of the good news–the gospel–of one Universal Christ.

    And it hardly qualifies for your nomination for the “Millstone Award for Offending Children”. Stiff competition with Herschel Walker, IMO.

  6. Well, at least we know all your “holier than thou” editorials are just flat garbage. It’s hilarious that conservatives nowadays support a guy who legit tried to kill his family and is a serial abortionist.