Have your say on realigning intersections of Ga. highways 85 and 279 with Corinth Road


Your opinion welcomed online, via survey and in-person Nov. 15 open house about ‘Realignment of SR 279 Transportation Project’ — 

Throughout the month of November, Fayette County is seeking public input on a proposed transportation project that would impact State Route (SR) 279, SR 85, and Corinth Road in the Kenwood area. You can provide input by 1) visiting the project’s Social Pinpoint website and completing an on-line survey (best viewed on a large screen device), 2) attending the November 15th Public Information Open House; or 3) contacting Public Works.

Project Summary

In 2019, Fayette County completed a Corridor Study for State Route 279. The study recommended aligning the intersection of SR 279 and SR 85 to be across from Corinth Road. Doing so eliminates many mornings and afternoon left turn movements, and thus helps manage future traffic volumes, reduces delay at the intersections, and improves safety.

Since then, Fayette County applied for, and received, federal aid to assist with design of the project. Two alternatives have been developed, in addition to the no-build (i.e., no change) option.

Alternative 1 re-routes SR 279 to intersect SR 85 across from Corinth Road. This option provides the greatest benefit in terms of reducing travel times and improving safety, but also has significant impacts to private property and higher costs.

Alternative 2 modifies existing intersections to improve operations, safety, and capacity, but the number of turning movements would stay the same. Attached are project maps for Alternatives 1 and 2.

Both alternatives correct the sharp curve on Corinth Road and provide new access to the Kenwood Business Park. The new access allows vehicles entering or leaving the Kenwood Business Park to use the realigned, signalized, intersection at Corinth Road and SR 85 to make left turns.

Currently, Carnes Drive (the primary entrance to the Business Park) is a right-in, right-out intersection, so U-turns are required for many trips. Both projects also offer the opportunity for the construction of sidewalks, paths, and/or bike lanes.

Providing access to the Kenwood Park recreation area, possibly by pairing this project with another locally funded path project, is an idea that generated public support in the 2019 study.

Input received from the public, along with continued engineering evaluation of the two alternatives, will be used to make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners in early 2023. The commissioners’ preferred alternative will then be developed into a full concept. We expect to host a second PIOH once the concept is fully developed.

Options for Providing Input

Access Social Pinpoint project maps and the on-line survey using either the below web link or QR code.

SR 279 Social Pinpoint Project Link

Qr code Description automatically generated

Attend the Public Information Open House (PIOH).

At the PIOH, layouts of Alternatives 1 and 2 will be available, along with preliminary project data. Attendees will be able to ask questions of the project staff and submit comments. The in-person PIOH will be held on November 15, 2022, at the Fayette County Public Library, located at 1821 Heritage Pkwy, Fayetteville, GA 30214 from 5 to 7 p.m. There will be no formal presentation. Drop by at any time during the open house to speak one-on-one with project staff.

Contact Public Works.

Citizens and business owners may also contact Public Works directly at 770-320-6010 or publicworks@fayettecountyga.gov to learn more about the project or make comments.

Comments on this project will be accepted through Wednesday, November 30, 2022. Feedback, comments, or questions may be submitted through:

The Interactive Maps on the Social Pinpoint website listed above;

The Online Survey (also available through the Social Pinpoint website);

Submitting a comment card during the PIOH;

Emailing your comments to publicworks@fayttecountyga.gov; and

Submitting written comments to Public Works at 115 McDonough Rd, Fayetteville, GA 30214.

The meeting site is accessible to persons with disabilities. Accommodations for people with disabilities can be arranged with advance notice. To request materials in accessible formats or arrange accommodations for people with disabilities, contact the Public Works office at 770-320-6010 or publicworks@fayettecountyga.gov. — Information provided by the Fayette County Clerk.