McDonald’s worker gets physical with customer wanting extra sauce


An employee of the McDonald’s restaurant on North Glynn Street in Fayetteville was charged with simple battery following a physical altercation with a customer who entered the store asking for extra sauce that was not included when she received her order at the drive-thru.

Semiah T. Daniels, 22, of Hampton, was charged with simple battery, according to Fayette County Jail records.

Fayetteville Police Department spokesman Jeff Harris said the Sept. 11 incident began when the victim received her order from the drive-thru, then entered the store because the order did not include the extra caramel sauce she requested.

Once inside the store, two McDonald’s employees asked her why she came back and told her she needed to leave, Harris said.

Harris said the incident escalated as the two employees and the victim all began to argue among themselves.

At one point, Daniels approached the victim and pushed her head back, with the victim then leaving the store and calling police, Harris noted.

Police arrived, conducted the investigation and placed Daniels under arrest.


  1. That McDonald’s is not well managed. Had very inconsistent service there, and if you want to get something when they “open”, good luck knowing what time that is. The sign says 6, but they laughed at me when I pulled up to the window after getting no response at the drive-thru.

    I wouldn’t think it would be that hard to run a restaurant as long as you hire conscientious workers. Sigh.