3 girls, each 14, hurt — 1 seriously — when their golf cart hits pallet of sod


A golf cart that struck a pallet of sod in the Whitewater Creek Country Club subdivision on July 31 sent three 14-year-olds to the hospital, one with suspected serious injuries.

Sheriff Barry Babb said the golf cart occupied by three 14-year-old females from the area was traveling near the intersection of Wentworth Court and Tralee Drive at approximately 9:23 p.m. when the cart struck a pallet of sod that was on by the curb on the roadway.

Though none of the juveniles were ejected, one was suspected of sustaining serious injury, while another sustained minor injury and the third had a complaint of potential injury, Babb noted.

Two of the girls were transported to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and the other to Grady Hospital, said Babb.


  1. I live on this street and saw the pallet earlier in the evening. It was impossible to see at light and should have had a cone or flag on it. Let’s not automatically fault teenagers or parents or be insensitive to the injuries. Terrible accident.

  2. Well.. looks like just another situation where irresponsible parents give underage and/or irresponsible kids the keys to the golf cart. It’s been a problem as far back as I can remember and highly unlikely to resolve.

  3. Those persons who are 12 years of age but not yet 15 years of age may drive a motorized cart on the recreation paths and/or streets and those areas accessible by the public of the city if they are accompanied in the front seat by a parent, grandparent or legal guardian.