Fayette Senior Services releases June community calender


The Right State of Mind: Mind Full vs. Mindful – Wednesday, June 1 – 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Fayette Senior Services (FSS) – Peachtree City location at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail:

The mind-body connection can be powerful and at the core of this is mindfulness, surging
in popularity over the recent years. Mindfulness techniques can help improve health in many ways. Join Piedmont Women's Heart Program Coordinator Avril James and garner a basic introduction to the principles of mindfulness. Discover how mindfulness can help you manage stress and improve your health outcomes. Learn simple exercises to bring mindfulness into your life the right way! This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Discover Fayetteville – Friday, June 3 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) – Fayetteville location at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive:

Fayetteville is booming with new businesses and things to do! Jillian Mason with Main Street Fayetteville provides us with the inside view of all things Fayetteville. This beautiful town we get to call home provides an abundance of opportunities to get out, do things, and have fun while doing it. Next up is just to take advantage of it all. No matter if you are new to the area or a lifelong resident, you’ll gain some new insight and learn what’s happening around the city, hear amazing perks you can take advantage of around town, and discover what being a part of the Fayetteville community really means. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Puppy Tales – Monday, June 6 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) –
Peachtree City location at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail:

You can teach an old dog new tricks, contrary to popular belief! Now, the question is are we talking about you or your furry friend? Joel Harrison, owner and trainer with Scoob and I Dog Training Services, gives tips on simple games and commands that stimulate your pup – just for fun, for training, or to help improve possible behavior issues. Joel’s dog Scoobi will be joining him to demonstrate some of the training tips. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Main Stream – Friday, June 10 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) –
Fayetteville location at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive:

These days, you can get great TV options without paying the premium of cable provider contracts. Que streaming services! Beth Campbell with Brightmoor shares more about Netflix, Amazon Prime Videos, and Hulu that are used to stream tv shows, movies, documentaries and more. Learn about the benefits to streaming services as well as the major differences to cable providers to help you make the right decision for you in using one or not. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Lettuce Eat Fresh – Wednesday, June 15 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services
(FSS) – Peachtree City location at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail:

Who doesn’t enjoy a nice crisp salad during the hot summer months? Make it with some in-season foods, and you can’t beat it! Dietitian and Health Coach Jennifer Lunsford joins us to show us how easy throwing together a delicious salad can be. Tired of the basic lettuce, tomato, cucumber and onion salad? Get tips for making fresh salads using a variety of seasonal vegetables from local farmers market, your own garden, and all around. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Town of Trilith – Thursday, June 16 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) – Fayetteville location at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive:

The Town of Trilith is booming with new businesses, restaurants, and entertainment coming every day it seems. Join Jake Pitman as he shares about the growth of this little oasis over the past few years and introduces their plans for the future. Discover what exciting things are coming their way that we can take advantage of, just a short distance away! This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Spies For A Cause – Friday, June 17 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) – Peachtree City location at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail:

Several years ago, an intriguing TV series entitled “Turn: Washington’s Spies” was shown for several seasons on AMC. It reminded us that spies were an important part of Washington’s strategy in the American Revolution. Robert Jones will discuss several of the most famous spies, including the ones that were featured in “Turn”, including Nathan Hale, Lydia Barrington Darragh, Major John Clark, the Culper Ring and Kate Barry. These spies for a cause all played a major role in their area of expertise creating a fascinating story to tell. Robert will join us via Zoom. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


The CIA Operative – Wednesday, June 22 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services
(FSS) – Peachtree City location at The Gathering Place, 203 McIntosh Trail:

Join former CIA agent Jennifer Nirenberg as she shares stories of her time in service. As an analyst for the CIA, studying European terrorism, Jennifer traveled the globe researching and identifying targets that may have been a hospital threat to the United States. Traveling mostly to Bosnia and Albania, she would identify, deem, and report threats against our country, having an impact on the safety of our country along the way. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770- 461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Breaking Bread – Thursday, June 23 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services (FSS) – Fayetteville location at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive:

There’s nothing quite like a fresh slice of homemade bread straight out of the oven. Master the art of making your very own homemade bread with Highland Bakery Peachtree City. Hear about a variety of different breads and tips for baking each one and enjoy a small demo and tasting of a few different types of breads! This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.


Flipping Furniture – Thursday, June 30 – 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Fayette Senior Services
(FSS) – Fayetteville location at The Life Enrichment Center, 4 Center Drive:

You’d be surprised at how a little makeover can completely transform a favorite piece of furniture. A coat of paint here, a different stain there, or some new hardware goes a long way. It doesn’t have to be expensive either! Join Virginia Bittinger with Junk Mama’s General Store as she shares the secrets to easy, fun, and affordable ways to repurpose your old pieces – or maybe even a new to you antique piece – of furniture. This program is FREE but pre-registration is required. Call 770-461-0813 or email register@fayss.org (include name, phone number and event title) to register. FSS members and non-members welcome. www.Fayss.org.