Fayette county firefighter cadet class 46 is sworn-in and enters active service

Fayette county firefighter cadet class 46 is sworn-in on 4/13/2022. Photo/Bonnie Kay Douglas
Fayette county firefighter cadet class 46 is sworn-in on 4/13/2022. Photo/Bonnie Kay Douglas

The Fayette County Commission chambers were filled with county officials, colleagues, friends and family on April 13, 2022 for the graduation and swearing-in of the Fayette County Fire & Emergency Services (FES) cadet class #46.

The graduating class included Joseph Furr, Matthew Maupin, Connor McKinlay, Justin Mundy, Michael Reeser, Travis Tinney, Garrett Pettis, Kaleigh Wan, Rachel Watson, Jeremiah Weeks, and Adam Wilson.

After a word from Fire Chaplain Frank Mercer, Fire Chief Jeff Hill began the proceedings with an acknowledgement of special guests and dignitaries that included County Commissioner Charles Oddo.

Assistant Fire Chief Steven Folden makes keynote remarks with Judge Fletcher Sams and Fire Chief Jeff Hill. Photo/Bonnie Kay Douglas.
Assistant Fire Chief Steven Folden makes keynote remarks with Judge Fletcher Sams and Fire Chief Jeff Hill. Photo/Bonnie Kay Douglas.

Addressing the graduating class, Assistant Fire Chief Steve Folden made the keynote remarks.  After the remarks, Folden certified that the class was ready for duty.  The Honorable Judge Fletcher Sams presided over the swearing-in ceremony.  Fire Captain Scott Roberts presented each graduate with a certificate.  Firefighter Michael Reeser made a presentation on behalf of the graduating class.

It was noted that the former recruits were now “rookies” fit for active service.  Each rookie Firefighter/EMT then walked down a receiving line of department Chiefs and leaders who will be their new supervisors.  The ceremony concluded with a small reception and photo opportunity with family members.

The Fayette County Department of Fire and Emergency Services is dedicated to the protection of Life, Property and the Environment through the delivery of Quality, Cost Effective and Professional Services to the citizens of Fayette County.