Covid nearly disappears from Fayette schools, still hanging out in the county

Covid cases confirmed in Fayette County are shown graphically from November 2021 through the end of February, 2022. Graph/Georgia DPH.
Covid cases reported in Fayette County schoolsFeb. 11 through Feb. 24. Graphic/Fayette County School System.
Covid cases reported in Fayette County schools Feb. 11 through Feb. 24. Graphic/Fayette County School System.

Fayette County schools reported only 12 cases of Covid-19 last week in all 24 schools, according to the system’s weekly tally. The report covering Feb. 11 through Feb. 24 showed 11 students and 1 system employee at Flat Rock Middle School in Tyrone tested positive for the coronavirus infection during the Friday through Thursday reporting period.

The system enrollment is just under 20,000 students, with more than 2,000 teachers and staff members.

Farther afield, 71 Fayette residents were added to the positive Covid list from Monday, Feb. 21 through Feb. 28, according to data published by the Georgia Department of Public Health.

That brings the county’s pandemic total to 16,662 infections in the 2 years since March 2020. During that same 2-year period, 265 Fayette residents lost their lives to Covid, with another 36 persons strongly suspected of have succumbed to the infection, although their causes of death were not listed as connected to the virus, according to the DPH. In the past week, 6 Fayette people died with Covid.

During the past week, 13 more residents were admitted to hospitals and tested positive for Covid.

Graphs of the infection numbers show a sharp decline in overall numbers continuing apace. During the past 2 weeks, DPH reports 246 cases were confirmed in Fayette, resulting in a 2-week positive test rate of 3.3%. That’s down from a pandemic high of 34.5% set on Jan. 5, just under 2 months ago. And it’s the lowest 2-week infection rate since the mark of 3.0% on Dec. 6, 2021.

Picture of a pandemic, 2 years on. Graph/Ga. DPH
Picture of a pandemic, 2 years on. Graph/Ga. DPH.

The CDC’s new community-level Covid status check gives Fayette County a green light for low risk.