Superintendent Patterson joins Real Men in Pink fight against breast cancer


We all have to work together to battle the scourge of breast cancer, and Fayette County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Patterson is stepping in to aid the cause as a member of Piedmont Fayette Hospital’s annual Real Men in Pink campaign.

Dr. Patterson is among 10 influential men in the community spreading awareness about breast cancer, the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the U.S.

“The campaign brings needed attention to our personal health and the health of our loved ones,” said Dr. Patterson. “Cancer has impacted my family, like many other families. My sister-in-law lost her valiant battle with breast cancer in 2014.”

The Real Men in Pink campaign is designed to increase the number of women who take preventative action in the fight against the disease. The men will share information throughout their spheres of influence during the month of October, Breast Cancer Awareness month, all while leading by example by asking the women in their lives to get screened for breast cancer.

“We have an excellent network of care providers in Fayette, including Piedmont Fayette, so let’s do our part and schedule a screening,” said Dr. Patterson. “Early detection is key to long-term success.”

Joining Dr. Patterson in the 2021 Real Men in Pink campaign are:

• Damien Hansra, M.D., Piedmont Oncology

• Darryl Hicks, MassMutual/Capstone Financial

• Steve Ivory, Eaton Corporation

• Chris Patton, Southside Churches

• Rev. James D.S. Vance, New Direction Higher Calling Ministries

“We are grateful to have so many leaders of the community unite behind the purpose of spreading the word about breast cancer awareness,” said Steve Porter, CEO of Piedmont Fayette. “Not only will these men share the important message of early detection to beat breast cancer, but they will also be able to share information about the comprehensive cancer care resources that Piedmont Fayette has to offer.”

Approximately 43,600 women in the United States will die from breast cancer this year, but the overall death rate has been decreasing steadily over the past decade because of better detection through screening and treatment options. The Real Men in Pink campaign is designed to increase the number of women who take preventative action in the fight against the disease.

For more information on scheduling a mammogram, call 770.719.7007. To learn more about the many cancer services provided at Piedmont Fayette, visit

Fayette County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Jonathan Patterson is stepping in to aid the cause as a member of Piedmont Fayette Hospital’s annual Real Men in Pink campaign.