Incumbent Kevin Madden announces for reelection to Peachtree City Council


A record of results: Four more years of quiet competent government.

My name is Kevin Madden and I have been honored to serve as your Council Member at Post 3 in Peachtree City for almost four years, and my request for another term is simple: look around our special city.

• Are we safer and more secure?

• Is our city cleaner and better maintained?

• Are our streets getting repaved and our multi-use-path-system being expanded and improved?

• Are the recreational facilities being upgraded and new facilities being created for our active citizens, their children and grandchildren?

In the past four years I’ve been privileged to serve with this council to help create a record of results:

• Our ISO-1 rated first responders equipped with the most modern tools to keep us (and them) safe and our property secure (multiple police/ fire vehicles along with new training opportunities)

• Over 60 miles of our 197 miles of roads repaved — improvements at the Planterra & MacDuff intersections that increased access and mobility in the west corridor

Kevin Madden
Kevin Madden

• Drake Field: creating a community gathering place for Night Markets and family fun with a new pavilion and easy access paths, swings and picnic tables

• Spyglass Island: Created a nine-acre passive park with beautiful vistas of Lake Peachtree

• A first class skate park next to our new community garden

• A splash pad for our children and a retrofitted pool, tennis & basketball courts for their parents

• A new bridge across Ga. Highway 54 helping to connect our Wynnmeade residents, along with their new neighbors in the Crestwind and Everton developments, to the shopping areas and Urgent Care on the southside

• Our refurbished “Fred” amphitheater with new seats, bathrooms, lighting and sound

• The magnificent spillway over our award-winning dam

• Kedron’s new gym and hockey floors along with their relined pools

• New and repaved multi-use-path-system with “Hawk” signals helping to connect all of Peachtree City swiftly and safely along our 100 plus mile linear park

• Our PTC athletic complex with a new field for our physically challenged children and paved parking for all.

These are some of the tasks we’ve been able to accomplish by working together without rancor and animosity.

All these achievements took place while this Council lowered the millage rate, increased our “rainy day” funds and put our special city in the best fiscal shape in our history. There is nothing magical about good government. It’s just hard working elected officials with a dedicated and motivated staff planning ahead and getting the job done right.

To paraphrase Ronald Reagan: “You’d be surprised how much you can get done if you don’t worry about who gets the credit.”

There are challenges ahead:

• In 2022 G-DOT will begin working on the Displaced Left Turn lanes (DLT) with the $10 million in Federal & State funding, that Mayor Fleisch secured, to improve our troubled Hwy. 54 & 74 intersection.

• The new annexations on the East & South side of our fair city require sound guidance

• The future of our unique path system and its integration within Fayette County

• Re-development in our older subdivisions

• Creating safe access to our new JC Booth school

I respectfully ask for your vote for another term so we can continue moving forward together in this special place we call home.

Council Member Kevin Madden

Post 3

Peachtree City, Ga.