Live classical music returns with Franklin Pond Chamber Music’s spring concert


The joys of live classical music return as Franklin Pond Chamber Music and their acclaimed young musicians announce their beloved Fall into Spring Concert, 7 p.m. on May 4, at Peachtree Road UnitedMethodist Church. Those who cannot attend in person will be able to watch the performance online at a later date.

Seventeen exceptionally talented middle and high school musicians will present a broad repertoire of chamber works, from a Mozart String Trio, Beethoven String Quartet, and Piano Trio to the Dvorak Bass Quintet, and Handel-Halvorsen Passacaglia. Attendees can sit back and savor the long-missed acoustic sounds of live instruments filling the spacious sanctuary at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church.  

“These hard-working students practice, rehearse and perform together with the industry’s most notable names,” says Lachlan McBane, program manager for Franklin Pond. “You won’t need a trained ear for Beethoven to recognize and admire their extraordinary talents.” 

As one of Atlanta’s most acclaimed music education institutions, Franklin Pond brings 20 years of training young chamber musicians in performance, communication, and leadership. All five chamber ensembles receive year-round coaching by Franklin Pond’s premier faculty as well as master classes taught by world-renowned soloists and chamber musicians.  

The culmination of the students’ training is the Fall into Spring Concert event. Tuesday, May 4, 7 p.m. at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, 3180 Peachtree Road, NE, Atlanta. Free and open to the public, with social distancing policies strictly enforced. Visit or call 404-252-3479 for more information.