Lots of appointment slots for Covid shots available this week, says DPH


If you’ve had trouble getting an appointment to start the Covid-19 vaccination process, you can reach for your phone right now and start dialing, according to the Georgia Department of Public Health.

“We may have reached the point where supply is greater than demand,” said Hayla Folden, media relations specialist for District 4, DPH.

“If people are still looking for vaccine appointments, we have them available in all 12 counties this week … Anyone still looking to get vaccinated can make an appointment online: https://gta-vras.powerappsportals.us/

Or by calling 1-888-457-0186, Folden said.


  1. At the site in Fayetteville last week, it was Moderna….

    I also want to say it was well ran, never got out of the car, 3 cars at a time into the older fire department house, drove straight through. Very easy. 2nd shot appointment already booked.

  2. As of yet, the DPH cannot tell you prior to your appointment which vaccine you will get, nor can you choose.

    There is a large swath of people who are rationally concerned, have researched the issue, and have a preference for which vaccine they want to take. And until they’re given the choice, they’re going to keep delaying getting vaccinated.

    The State should act responsibly and begin allowing people to make their healthcare decisions without impediment so that we can maximize vaccination rates and put this pandemic in the rearview mirror.