Southern Crescent Technical College still building strong students, careers, communities even in the pandemic


Looking back at Academic Year 2020, it is certain that this past year has been one unlike any other we have experienced in our lifetime. Although much about this year looked very different from years past, Southern Crescent Technical College has continuously embraced change and stayed committed to our core values and our mission of workforce development.

We have proudly upheld our commitment to building strong communities by providing our citizens with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the workforce while assisting them as they pursue their educational, career, and personal goals. This year more than ever, we take great pride in building strong students, strong careers, and strong communities.


Our commitment to student success has never been greater. Even with the pandemic, Southern Crescent Technical College has again experienced another banner year. Enrollment in Academic Year 2020 was 7,647, up 7.1% compared to the previous year and our retention rate for students was at 72.8%. Our enrollment remains strong as the sixth largest technical college. We also graduated 2,301 students making us the third largest producer of graduates in the Technical College System of Georgia.

With the support of faculty and staff during our internal campaign, we raised $37,947 for scholarships. Moreover, the Southern Crescent Technical College Foundation raised $480,439 to support our students and programs. With this generous support we were able to award 130 scholarships to deserving students.


As in previous years the College continued to provide cutting-edge programs that meet the workforce demands of our local business and industry partners. True to our workforce development mission the job placement rate for Academic Year 2020 rose slightly to 99% and the in-field placement rate rose to 88.2%, an increase of 0.6% over last year.

We take great pride in assuring that the necessary elements are in place to serve the diverse education and training needs of our community. Whether our students are traditional credit students, dual enrollment students, or adult learners seeking their high school equivalency or continuing education opportunities, Southern Crescent Technical College delivers the knowledge and skills needed to make a successful and swift transition into the workforce.


Throughout this past academic year, our business and community partners have been more supportive than ever. Before the pandemic hit, we hosted our annual Red Carpet Gala as well as the inaugural Tech Connect event at the Henry County Center. It was during the Tech Connect event that we unveiled the new Piedmont Henry Healthcare Wing to celebrate our partnership and commitment to workforce development in this region.

Responding quickly to the demand for healthcare workers, we expanded the Registered Nursing program at the Flint River Campus with help from Upson Regional Medical Center and other community partners and donors. The College also completed plans for the one-stop shop for students on the Griffin Campus.

Although the pandemic brought many changes for the College, each of our programs and departments found new ways to thrive and give back to the community. Offering assistance and support to the local medical community and front-line workers, we donated critical medical equipment, supplies, and protective personnel to our community partners.

Like many other colleges, we adjusted our general admissions requirements and waived the application fee to make matriculation easier for incoming students. We supported classroom instruction with new software and technology. And, to support students in online learning, we began the Laptop Loaner Program with generous support from the Southern Crescent Technical College Foundation and Technical College System of Georgia Foundation.

I am extremely proud of the way our faculty, staff, and students responded to the many changes brought on by the pandemic. Our instructors and students quickly transitioned to virtual learning platforms and staff adjusted our delivery methods to best accommodate our students. Southern Crescent Technical College not only adapted to the challenges with which we were faced but also responded with great poise and compassion. Through it all, our students continued to excel both in and out of the classroom.

As you can see, our efforts remain focused on building strong students, strong careers, and strong communities in everything that we do. Our considerable accomplishments over this past year have been made possible by the commitment and dedication of our students, faculty, staff, Board of Directors, Board of Trustees, and elected officials as well as our business, educational, and community partners. I consider it an honor and a privilege to serve alongside the Southern Crescent Technical College community.

I invite you to view the following links for our latest Annual Report and State of the College address.

Alvetta Peterman Thomas, Ed.D., President

Southern Crescent Technical College

Griffin, Ga.