“American Legion Post 50 of Peachtree City presented The American Legion School Awards for school year 2019-20, honoring two superlative members of the Class of 2019 and 2020 who have been selected by their peers and counselors as possessing and having demonstrated the highest qualities of courage, honor, leadership, patriotism, scholarship, and service,” said Post Commander Mark Gelhardt.
The American Legion School Award recipients for 2019-2020 are Sarah Goins and Zach Livsey of Starr’s Mills High School.
“The American Legion is an organization dedicated to the service of God and Country. We believe that one of the best ways to perform this service is to take an active interest in the preparation of our youth so that they will become patriotic, freedom-preserving citizens. It is in this interest that The American Legion School Award Plan was born and is maintained on the National level through the Americanism Commission of The American Legion,” Gelhardt said.
“The award is the highest honor awarded American Youth by The American Legion. It is a medal that proclaims to the world you are the kind of young man or woman that we, the comrades of servicemen and service women who gave their lives in battle, believe worthy of such honor. It is our desire that wherever you go, and whatever you do, you will always be guided by the highest ideals,” Gelhardt said.
“Great students don’t just happen by accident. That’s why it was such a pleasure to be able to meet with family (Ms. Catherine Goins accepted the award for Sarah) and work with outstanding educators like Ms. Susan King, Ms. Paula O’Shields, and Ms. Rebecca Rickeard. The Starr’s Mill High School Team is truly exceptional. Thanks for all that you do for youth and the community,” Gelhardt said.
If you would like to know more about the Peachtree City American Legion Post 50, click here.