Satterfield townhomes project gets 1st reading at Fayetteville Council


Requests by Scarboone LLC to amend several zoning conditions pertaining to the Satterfield townhome development along Ga. Highway 85 North had its first reading at the Aug. 6 meeting of the Fayetteville City Council.

The item had been tabled July 28 by the Fayetteville Planning and Zoning Commission so that additional work on the proposal could be performed.

The 21.48-acre townhome property is located at the rear of the 14.34-acre Satterfield Marketplace retail center fronting Hwy. 85 North now under development. Both developments were rezoned for commercial and townhome use in 2018.

Totaling 35.89 acres, the developments span an area on the east side of Hwy. 85 North from just south of New Hope Road on the north to the area of Banks Road on the south.

The townhome component that was tabled by planning commissioners was called up to the Aug. 6 council agenda, rather than returning to the Planning Commission, at the request of Councilman Rich Hoffman, who said the commission was “a little out of line” and was in error in tabling the agenda item.

Pertaining to the residential development, one of the requests would have the number of townhomes approved by the City Council reduced from 68 to 55.

Another request asks that two of the 55 townhomes, both located on the north side of the property, not have rear-entry garages due to site constraints. The two with front-facing garages would be outfitted with carriage-style or ornamental garage doors.

A third request asks that internal streets, sidewalks and alleys in the townhome development, and access to the adjoining retail center, be private rather than public, with the homeowners’ association responsible exercising ownership and maintenance.

That issue, which project representative Matt Boone said could be worked as either private or public, along with having some of the townhomes as 3-story buildings rather than the 2-story buildings originally presented, were viewed by the planning commission as needing more work.

Most on the council appeared to view the project favorably.

The request could return to the council on Aug. 20.