Pinewood Forest wants to nearly double number of townhomes

Pinewood Forest representative Rick Halbert. Photo/Ben Nelms.
Pinewood Forest representative Rick Halbert. Photo/Ben Nelms.

The Fayetteville City Council on March 5 heard the first reading of proposed amendments affecting the mixed-use Pinewood Forest development. Though largely a housekeeping issue, the changes would include increasing the number of townhomes and the placement of public art.

Director of Community Development David Rast noted that a significant number of the amendments amounted to housekeeping issues.

Of note, the changes would increase the total number single-family units to 750, and would increase the number of townhomes to 187, up from the current 100 townhomes allowed. That change would allow a maximum of 25 percent townhomes within the development.

Single-family units would include single-family homes, townhomes and tiny homes, with the tiny home designation changing to “micro homes.”

Pinewood Forest representative Rick Halbert told council members the reason behind the proposed increase in the number of townhomes is market-driven.

Another aspect of the proposed amendment changes deals with public art, murals and architectural structures at site entrances along or within 100 feet of Veterans Parkway or Hood Road.

Rast said city staff generally supported the amendments as proposed, adding the recommendation that the council impose some stipulations as they relate to the size and overall height of public art painted on and/or applied to existing and proposed building exteriors.

Another amendment proposal would add a rope course to the list of amenities within the open space area.